Friday, September 21, 2012

  I’m mad as hell and I’m going to do something with my anger other than sit and complain and post on Face Book! Don’t get me wrong I will continue to post as much or more than before. What I am angry about would take more time than I wish to take to describe in detail at present so I am going to pick a few related items and go from there.

   I am extremely disturbed by the assault on the intelligence of the American people by the elite press and the current administration. The obvious “attempts” to cover up the incompetence of the President and his advisors is at best a disgrace and at worst treasonous. I say attempts because, thank God, more and more people are ignoring the nightly “news” and are beginning to do some critical thinking on their own.

  It has been difficult to watch the daily White House press briefings when the press secretary has to be the spin doctor for the failed policies of the president. To watch him say definitively one day that the murder of the US Ambassador was solely caused by a MORONIC homemade film and then days later admit that it was connected to terror is either the result of no intelligence (in every sense of the word) or an attempt to cover up a scandalous scheme to provide material aid to rebels who as it turns out are tied directly to Al-Qaida. The jury is still out as to the reason the ambassador was where he was and what he was doing. It is being reported that he was working with/for the CIA trying to recover arms he had brokered in a deal with what the administration “thought” were just rebels.

   Then there is the overt attempt by the press to divert attention from the incompetence of President Obama by focusing their attention on Mitt Romney telling the truth about what the fed is doing to the economy, or being out front on the assassination of our ambassador. Mr. Romney has been trying to sound the alarm about the danger we are in with our economy and foreign relations and the media spins his words out of context and fails to even mention that Mr. Obama says he doesn’t know how much the debt is and that it is not an immediate threat. He said nothing about the attacks in Benghazi for nearly 18 hours and when he finally gets around to mentioning it he feeds us misinformation that quite frankly was insulting to both the intelligence of America and the entire world. All the focus given to the film gave more promotion to it than it could have or would have been able to get from FB or Twitter! (kinda makes my conspiratorial mind wonder if there is more to this than what we see! Maybe all the publicity was intentional, but I digress! )

  I am also upset by the fact that the Obama administration, through the DHS, Social Security Administration and NOAA has purchased over 1.2 billion rounds of small arms ammunition, and in the last few days has ordered more than 2000,000,000 rounds of what is described as sniper ammunition. Where is the press on this? Where is the investigative reporting? Why is no one in the media asking why so much, what are they planning for or what are they planning? Why do the Social Security Administration or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration need ammunition in the first place?

  I think what I find most alarming is the language being used by the administration and the press that mirrors, or is mirroring, the Muslim Brotherhoods call to silence free speech. The immediate response of the State Department to the assignation of our ambassador was that it was a direct response to what they deemed as hate speech through a “STUPID” poorly made ‘movie’. The repeated reference to the damage done by free speech should be sending shivers up the spine of every free person in the world let alone every American.

  The same rhetoric is now being echoed by the U.N. Sec. General and most profusely by nearly every faction of the Muslim population worldwide. There is an ongoing effort by the progressives to silence the conservative voice in America. I am in no way referring the STUPID video as conservative; rather I submit that it was a manufactured crisis to further their cause. The call for renewing the ‘fairness Doctrine’ a few months ago didn’t work for the progressives so now they lay in wait for any opportunity to act quickly to stop their opposition. The President has signed many executive orders (940 at last count) giving him the authority to take control of the internet and social media and I believe they were hoping that the Muslim uprising would be the catalyst that allowed the declaring of an “emergency” worthy of shutting down all personal communication.

   I may be a conspiracy theorist but I cannot look at the evidence of collusion between the government, the media and the Muslim Brotherhood and not connect the dots to make a very frightening picture. I thank God for social media because I believe that just as Google was used by the “powers that be” to help with the organization of the Arab Spring it will be what Patriots use to connect and force the truth to come out about the treasonous actions of our government. I believe that the decline of the main stream media audience and the rise in the internet news blogs audience is what caused NBC and CBS to challenge the administration twice in the last two days on its explanation of recent events.

  I started this blog post by saying I was going to do something with my anger and I just did! I told you some of the things going on in the country and the world. This is not a behind closed door operation any more. The progressives have come out of the closet once again and have drawn the battle lines. I am making my voice heard and encourage everyone reading this to do the same. For every one communication made between the public and their representatives there are 1,000 others who feel the same way and will vote accordingly and politicians know this well. We are being monitored by the government constantly and they are aware that Americans are beginning to awaken and it is making them nervous. The press is aware of this too and some are beginning to act like journalists again, but they will only keep it up until the pressure is lifted from them. We must fight the Progressive agenda relentlessly or they will come back stronger and smarter than ever before having learned from this struggle.

  Find out who your representatives are and call them! Contact the press in your area and tell them you will stop watching their network if they continue to schill for either political party. Find the corporations advertising on those networks and go on Face Book and message them. Do everything you possibly can to make your voice heard by the elite and don’t give up. We will win if we stand together and fight the good fight! SAVING AMERICA is the goal we have before us and the future of millions is at risk if we do nothing.




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