Saturday, July 14, 2012

  Words matter, a simple statement made by Barak Obama during the 2008 presidential campaign. It is simple and very true, words do matter, and one would do well to pay close attention to the words being spoken in the current presidential race.

 In particular I think it would be wise to examine a frequently spoken phrase by President (and I use the title loosely) Obama in his stump speeches. He continually says that he wants everybody to pay their “FAIR SHARE” and play by the same rules. I don’t know exactly what he means by the word fair, but the way he describes it is little more than divisive rhetoric, pitting the so called lower class and middle class against the upper class. Now when I was growing up the upper class were the ones I was told to aspire to become like, not to despise them for being successful. Webster’s dictionary defines the word fair as “marked by impartiality and honesty”, which says to me that there should be no partialiality when it comes to taxation.

 He continues to say the so called wealthy do not pay their fair share but never mentions that nearly 50% of all working Americans pay no taxes at all, is that “fair”? Is it fair that many of those nonpaying  ‘tax-payers’ actually receive money, I’d say back from the government but to get something back implies you put something into the system to begin with, which they did not.  50% of tax payers pay 100% of all the taxes the IRS collects, is that fair? I don’t think so!

  There is a much more sinister approach to what is going on with what this fair ‘thing’ is all about. I believe it is a multi-level strategy to advance the Progressive/Marxist agenda in America.   It is a familiar tactic used by many regimes throughout history to gain power and control over the population. I am convinced that Obama is little more than a puppet in this progressive mess!

    On the face of it, it makes sense and it sounds fair. The problem is that is diametrically opposed to the fundamental rights that are guaranteed by the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. These documents guarantee the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. They, in fact, state that it is the responsibility of government to protect these rights for all citizens. There is not even a hint that the results of the pursuit of happiness are to be provided by anything other than an individual’s initiative and willingness to fail! To use this type of decisive tactic to defeat an opponent is just wrong! I remember a saying that used to mean something in this country, ‘its’ not whether you win or lose that matters but it’s how you play the game that counts!’ In my opinion it is the responsibility of the leader of the nation to unite the people not divide them.

 Now at the heart of all this is the overwhelming debt that government has built up for the 50%ers to pay back. The problem with what is being proposed is that all the revenue collected through these increased taxes will only fund the federal government for 8 days! This according to the CBO! We are told that the government has to cut funds for schools, fire departments, roads, bridges and everything else under the sun. When was the last time these weasels said if we don’t get things right soon we will have to cut funding for congress?! The average salary for these guys is $174,000.00 per year for 165 days in the office! This does not include the elaborate bennies they get and the retirement packages. Is that “fair”? No, I don’t think it is! If anyone in the public sector spent as much time doing nothing but trying to undermine their co-workers while trying to make themselves look good at the expense of the corporation that hired them to advance its standing in the world market place, they would be in the unemployment line! Nearly all of these weasels have gone progressive and are trying to covertly, and in some cases overtly, undermine the sovereignty of the US by blatantly embracing the will of the UN over the founding documents!

 We desperately need people to wake up and awaken others to what is happening to America and who is causing the spread of this cancerous disease known as progressivism. We are going to have to go through a massively invasive surgery to remove the infected ‘tumors’, otherwise known as elected officials. After the surgery in November we will have to go through chemo and radiation to make sure the remaining cells of the body understand that in order to assure the continued health of the patient, due diligence and close examination of the individual cells is necessary and at the first sign of infection by the ‘progressive’ gene there will be an immediate ‘weasel-ectomy’ performed. After all it is only fair to the rest of the cells in the body, right?

 Any way… I urge every to begin to develop some critical thinking skills and listen to what the politicians are saying. It is actually quite easy to catch them in spewing the deception; all you have to do is listen to a few different ones on different news outlets and compare statements. The talking points are often moronic but nearly always identical.  

 I am tired of being treated like an ignorant child by elitist politicians.  I will fight the progressives with every fiber of my being because I truly believe the founding fathers wanted this nation to be a free and “FAIR” place for the world to see, look up to and aspire to become like, not the other way around!

 Please join me in exposing the progressive/liberal agenda to Europeanize America for the sake of future generations. It is an epic battle and there will be many who fall but in the end the goal of SAVING AMERICA is worth all of the blood sweat and tears. May God Bless this Land and all who are brave enough to fight for it!

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