Friday, July 20, 2012

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

As citizens of the US it is vital that we understand the truth about the first amendment of the constitution and the efforts being made to “amend” it by the progressives. For too long we have let the liberal media and atheists set the interpretation. Anyone who can read, can see that this much ‘QUOTED” amendment says nothing about the separation of the church from the state. Our founding fathers fled England and Europe because of religious persecution by their government.

The founders were obviously (to those who have read their own words and not let the re-written history books be their source of information) Christians and they were the ones writing the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. This being true, the logic (or lack thereof) of the progressive interpretation would make both documents unconstitutional and irrelevant for society today.

 The amendment clearly states that Congress shall make NO LAW (I would say for or against) respecting an establishment of religion. It goes on to state that Congress shall not prohibit the FREE EXERCISE of religion either. Call me crazy or a conspiracy theorist but I have been a “news junkie” for years and no one can make me believe that there is not an organized assault on religion, at least on the Christian religion and its principles. The courts have repeatedly ruled against many symbols of the Christian religion in favor of the progressive activist group the ACLU and others. Some examples of this bias are: the crosses at a Marine Corps base in California placed by Marine vets, a cross placed in the desert of Arizona for WW1 dead, the mural on a wall of a high school depicting a traditional family (husband/ wife), the Ten Commandments from Judge Ray Moore’s’ court room in Alabama, and a recent ruling in NYS forcing a church to stop holding services in a public school. I believe there is a strategy behind all this overt activity.

 The majority of the news media is in the tank for the progressive agenda, and seems to get a kick out of seeing the FREE EXERCISE of religion, by Christians, challenged. You would think that the ELITE media would understand that the only thing separating them from the church in the first amendment is a simple punctuation mark! If they are successful in helping the Progressive movement shut down the freedom of religion then the same president they help establish will be used to shut them down too. For the progressives, in both parties, it is not about “being fair” or “tolerant”, it is about gaining power and control. Soon, and very soon, the proverbable cat will be out of the bag, and just as the church was persecuted in Europe in the 1930’s it will be here. Already history is repeating itself. The similarities are startling. You may say it could never happen in America, but I would be willing to bet that more than one person thought that in Germany in the early 30’s. 30 percent of the population ELECTED Adolf Hitler to power. Over the weekend the Nazi party gained power in Greece’s’ new government by 20% of the vote and the Socialist candidate won the presidential race in France, it can happen here!

The startling thing is that in Greece the Muslim Brotherhood did a huge amount of door to door campaigning for the Nazi party and employed many of the same tactics that ACORN used around this country, also known as community organizing.

 There are only a few people sounding an alarm in America concerning the rise of anti-Semitism and the compliance of the federal government. The goal of all of the rising powers today, the socialist, communists, Islamist and Nazi’s is twofold, controlling-power and the extinction of Israel and capitalism.

Does it bother anyone that many Americans in the 19th and 20th century put on the uniform of the US military to fight communism, fascism, socialism and Islam, and today these people are being welcomed into the governing of this country? What did all those soldiers die for? Was America wrong in going to war to stop these enemies? Were they right along in promoting the philosophy that people need to be ruled by brutality? That the Jews and the 6,000,000 others deserved the gas chambers, forced labor and starvation. Was the USSR right in conquering and seizing control of much of Europe! Are we insane? History is repeating itself before our eyes. We have got to stop the progressive movement or we will lose the rebublic. It must be stopped at every level of government because it is a cancer to the values America is founded on. I continue to urge every Patriotic American to write call e-mail Face Book or go see your elected officials and tell them that you know what’s happening and that it must stop! If you don’t know what is happening find out and tell others. We must band together with SAVING AMERICA as our highest priority!

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