Sunday, October 12, 2014

Turkey And ISIS

In case you have been wondering why Turkey is doing nothing to stop ISIS from taking Kobani, Syria the answer is really pretty simple. All of the Middle East borders do not exist in the eyes of Islamists and all those in power are waiting for the same thing, the elimination of those borders. They were drawn up by European countries after WWl because the Ottoman Empire (an Islamic Caliphate) was nothing more than an empire of butchery.

The innocents that are being butchered are just pawns in their global chess game in which the victor gets control of the new caliphate. They want Assad gone so they can take Syria and they are waiting for ISIS to take him out. If they were to go in now they would be fighting both Assad's troops and ISIS and they would lose many of their troops in the process.

Everything that is happening is about reestablishing the Islamic Caliphate that existed before WWl and the powers that be, including those in Washington, are moving pieces on a global chess board. The new caliphate will not end where the old one did because Islamists have much more than swords and horses today and they are no more afraid to use those weapons than they were swords a century ago.

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