Monday, July 8, 2013

 Ever wonder why Progressives from both parties are trying so hard to get comprehensive immigration passed? I believe there is a close tie between the immigration bill, the so-called Affordable Health Care Act (Obamacare) and the destruction of capitalism.

  Nearly every proponent of the A. H. C. A. also says that we “must” pass “commonsense” comprehensive immigration laws while stressing at the same time that none of the immigrants will be eligible for ObamaCare or food stamps with the hope that the average citizen will not be able to give a rational reason for not encouraging their representative act quickly. They all agree that there are at least 11,000,000 illegals that will be given a legal status and that none of them will be able to get in line for citizenship for 13 years and that they will have to pay a fine and pay taxes.

  Obamacare is estimated to cost employers up to $5,000 per employee, if the employee is a citizen. The newly ‘legalized’ immigrant will not be eligible for Obamacare. It will be ‘Commonsense” for employers to forego hiring a citizen at an additional cost of $5,000 and instead hire the newly legalized immigrant at a lower salary and without the cost of healthcare. Translation; illegals get the jobs citizens need to survive, citizens go on food stamps and have to sign up for Obamacare. The newly legalized immigrants will be more than willing to work at a lower salary because they have to pay fines to be able to get in line for citizenship.

  The amount of taxes and fines collected by the government will not even scratch the surface of the cost of putting millions of Americans on the federal welfare rolls. As the costs of providing for the "General welfare” of citizens increases the burden on the financial system will collapse it paving the way for final implementation of Socialism and the demonization of capitalism.

  If you think this is far-fetched then you do not know how progressives think or to what lengths they will go to achieve the Progressive agenda of complete control of the world. Their hatred of individualism is openly expressed in the way the proudly demonize their opponents and in the out-right lies they have told and will continue to tell about anyone and everything that challenges them.

  SAVING AMERICA from progressivism and returning to our roots and giving God His rightful place in society is going to become more difficult each day we remain silent. We must do all we can to reach as many as possible with the truth of what is being done to America by elitist in our government who are committing treason by trying to undermine America. Too many have died to preserve this republic and protect our freedoms for us to remain silent and complicit with this evil agenda.

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