Wednesday, August 21, 2013

I am shocked by the atrocities taking place against Christians in the Middle East. I have been struck by the reversal of history in that Jews are usually the first targeted group in violent revolutions. The only logical conclusion is that for the last one hundred years of world history each time genocide or ethnic cleansing has happened Christians, mainly American Christians, have risen to the res...cue of the oppressed.
Our enemy is both patient and wise. He has learned that Christians are the only people group standing in the way of destroying the Jew and Israel (or so he thinks). Violence is taking the lives of millions of Christians in the Middle East and Africa but here in America there is, at least for now, a different kind of attack on Christians; we are being silenced by our government. They are using the courts and media to demonize us and our efforts to maintain a moral anchor in America. They are succeeding only because the Church is, for the most part, allowing political correctness to silence us.
As citizens of this nation we have a right and responsibility to be involved in our government. As Christians we have the responsibility to be good stewards of the nation God gave us. We cannot remain silent while our brothers and sisters are being slaughtered in their homelands and our government sends aid to groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood who are killing them. 80 Churches were burned and hundreds of believers have been murdered, including a 10 year old girl on her way home from a Bible study, in one week in Egypt.
We must make our voices heard by our representatives and tell them to stand up for Christians around the world and stop sending our tax dollars to support anti-Christian and anti-American countries.
  We must demand justice from our government and plead with our God to intervene on behalf of our brothers and sisters. Please pray and please do your civic duty and contact your representatives today.

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