Thursday, November 7, 2013

"Because many, if not most, Americans have never read the Constitution they do not understand the authority they are under and that in fact they are the authority as being "We The People".
  America is a nation of laws not men, the authority over its citizens is the Constitution and it is therefore the responsibility of every citizen to stand and defend the authority God placed over them. The ignorance of the population concerning the Constitution is deliberate, Progressives have been progressively "Dumbing Down" our population for at least 50 years.
 America is a republic, which means that elected officials at the federal level are to govern according to the will of their constituents not according to what they think is best for them.  
  The sacred oath taken by politicians we elect to serve us is to uphold, defend and protect the Constitution from ALL enemies both foreign and domestic. Our founders gave us the method of defending the authority over us and we must do so or we are throwing our pearls before swine to be trampled into the ground. As a nation of laws "We The People" are obligated by those laws to demand compliance by the people we select to represent un in government. We have been too complacent for too long and by giving up our responsibility to oversee government we have allowed tyranny to get a foothold over us.  
 Will we hear "Well done, my good and faithful servant" when we stand before our God and give account for our stewardship of the nation He gave to us to Glorify Him and to advance His Kingdom? I most certainly intend to hear those words spoken to me. Our mission is SAVING AMERICA for posterity.

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