Friday, October 26, 2012

                             LEADING FROM BEHIND


  There is so much being done in the world by the current administration that defies logic. It appears as though the President is either the smartest man on earth, the most incompetent leader we have ever had (including Jimmy Carter) or he is using his uncanny gift of manipulating truth to bring the “Dreams From His Father” of bringing a Marxist/Communist America into being to punish her for the oppression she has brought to the world. I would contend that the latter is true, which means that the other options are also true!

  Having never held a job in the private sector, created a job in the private sector, served in the military or been responsible for running anything other than a community organizing program is evident in Mr. Obamas running or ruining of America. As I indicated above I believe the President has an agenda other than being the guardian of the “American Experiment”. The Obama administration is guilty of being absent in leading the country through the last four years more often than then Senator Obama voted present while an Illinois Senator. His lack of leadership has caused the deaths of our soldiers and most recently that of an American ambassador and three other Americans in Libya.

  Instead of being the Commander-in Chief that was much needed in Libya on September 11, 2012, President Obama decided that his political career was more valuable than the possibility of offending a Muslim nation by granting the request of Special Forces for back-up in rescuing Ambassador Stevens from a coordinated terror attack. It has been revealed that at least three requests came from forces on the ground for a “go” to assist the embassy but they were ordered to stand down all three times. It has also been confirmed that there were other units, including Delta Forces, less than 45 minutes away requesting permission to “go”, they too were told to stand down. There were live feed cameras and drones overhead giving the White House Situation Room the ability to observe the carnage as it was unfolding.

  There was no reason given to give the “stand down” orders to forces that are trained specifically to deal with crisis situations. However there was an excuse given by the D.O.D.; it was too dangerous to send troops in. Excuse me! These troops are trained to deal with rapidly changing conditions. They are known for their ability to assess conditions in real time and adapt to those situations. The White House refuses to give the location of the President at the time of the attacks, but at one point after it was reported that the location of the ambassador was unknown, The Commander-In-Chief went to bed. Not exactly reassuring to think he could sleep knowing that in all likelihood his ambassador was dead and our sovereign land had been attacked and the flag of our sworn enemy was flying over it!

  The following day the president went to the Rose Garden, Not the Oval Office, to blame the attack on a video posted on YouTube, which the “government had absolutely nothing to do with”, and “the abuse of free speech” by one individual. Then while the bodies of the fallen were being prepared to come home he flew to Las Vegas for a fund raising event. But I again digress! This entire debacle is so disgusting and blatantly filled with deception that one could continue to point out the numerous examples of incompetent actions, which many have and will continue to do, but it would distract from the real problem America has with the current President.

  The man in the White House who calls himself president was never vetted by the media and as a result America has as its leader an immature and highly unqualified Progressive/Marxist with a strong Anti-Colonial Communistic belief system. I also believe he is an Islamic sympathizer, if not actually a Muslim Brotherhood operative. There is no doubt that he is a very complicated man who is a master of manipulation with an eerie aura of charisma that the Democrat/Progressive voters seem to be incapable of seeing through. He has successfully gained control of the liberal news media and uses them to wage war on the fundamentals of American ideals. He has been able to spread the seeds of racism and class warfare while portraying himself as above the rhetoric he spouts on a daily basis while on the campaign trail.

  But why would he spend so much time creating turmoil and division in his own country? The answer is simple if you get past his actions and look at his motives. His motives come from his father and those who mentored him throughout his life and career. The plan/motive is to create, or rather in his words it is to   “fundamentally transform America” into a socialistic state. His father and mentors hated America and what she stood for and as Obama has said in his book, his dreams come “from”, are not of but from, his father.  

  His father and mentors taught him how to accomplish their dream in a simple way. The creation or transformation of a new nation can only be accomplished by destroying the old one first. To do this they must put in place a system to replace the old one. Once the new structure is in place and ready for implementation the old one must be toppled. Toppling the current system can be accomplished by overwhelming the existing structure.

  Since the whole of society is held together by the monetary system, the finances must be depleted and the country bankrupted. This is accomplished by placing as many people as possible on government assistance programs such as food stamps, Medicare, Medicaid, disability and the 99 week unemployment benefits which all are at record levels at the current time. In addition to the social spending there must also be as much “stimulus” spending as possible through such programs as the “cash for clunkers”, “shovel ready jobs”, the GM bailout, the billions in “loans” and grants to “renewable energy” companies like Solindra and countless other bankrupt “green energy” companies.  Spending money, as much as possible, on anything that can be conceived no matter how “few” millions or thousands it is on things like multiple “vacations” for the First Family, parties at the White house with celebrities like Sir Paul, junkets for staff and countless other frivolous junk spending is essential to the bankrupting of America.

  While all this spending is taking place there must be a devaluing of the dollar. The Federal Reserve and the Treasury department have accomplished this through the endless printing of money, $40,000,000,000 per month for as long as they want under the guise of “Quantitative Easing”. With each dollar printed the price of the products needed to live life daily increases.

   The White House and the Feds say there is no inflation and ignore, or rather willfully hide the truth from the ignorant, uninformed and under educated masses. The fact that gasoline, heating oil, milk, bread, eggs, paper products and every other necessity and luxury item are rapidly becoming unaffordable to many is part of their plan. When the masses get hungry they will rise up and attack what or who they believe or are told is responsible for their woes. The intentional dividing of the classes is the strategy being put in place by President Obama and the Progressives. When the economy collapses the rich will be blamed and the 1%ers will demand “justice” from the government and of course Mr. Obama and his Progressive backers and in association with the Muslim Brotherhood will declare a state of emergency and literally take control of all of the wealth with the promise of “redistribution” to the middle class and poor.  

   I know this all sounds like a “conspiracy theory” and that I am not going to be believed by many, but the facts are the facts. When Mr. Obama was running for President he said “If you want to know what kind of president I will be, look at the people I surround myself with”. For starters look at Mr. Bill Ayers of the 1960’s domestic terror group known as the Weather Underground. The radical group was responsible for bombing a police station and an attempt at the Pentagon and other acts of terror. After the 9-11-01 World Trade Center terror attack he was quoted in a news article as saying that he was not sorry for the group’s activities and in fact wished they had been able to do more. Then there was the “Green Energy Czar” Van Jones, a self-proclaimed 9/11 truther and devout Communist. And let’s not overlook Ms. Anita Dunn who proclaimed that Chairman Mao was one of the people she looked to for inspiration. Apparently she believes the millions the good Chairman killed to promote his political views were necessary sacrifices for the end result of a communist utopia. Of course we must not leave mention of Samantha Powers out of the picture. The dear woman who has the role of Anti-Atrocity Czar has written an anti-Semitic book displaying her hatred of Israel and Jews in general. One of her more infamous statements is that war is a viable tool to use to further the Progressive policies. And when you take a look at the representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood he has brought into various national security departments you see that our “Dear Leader” has brought together a group of advisors that absolutely love America and all she stands for! NOT!  

  There can be no doubt when one analyzes the facts that this administration has put America in a dangerous situation by putting people with back grounds like the afore mentioned individuals in positions of authority.

  I believe we as a nation are on the brink of disaster with no hope of turning her around no matter who is elected as president in November. We are going to see very difficult times because of the apathy of “WE THE PEOPLE” for decades. We must fall on our faces and plead with God to intervene in the affairs of this nation immediately and then respond to whatever directions he gives. I have no doubt that God wants very much to bring deliverance to America, but He will not act unless we acknowledge that He alone is our help and we give Him ALL the Glory for SAVING AMERICA.

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