Thursday, November 8, 2012

   Insanity springs eternal, at least in the United States of America. When the results of the 2012 elections we released I, like many other hopeful Americans, could not believe what America had done to herself. The self-inflicted wound will definitely cause much pain and will leave a mark that I hope remains evident for centuries to come. I would have preferred to have seen the Progressive machine defeated and a new president elected but that did not happen. Instead America sold what was left of her heritage for a “bowl of porage” in the form of Food stamps, free birth control and a variety of other government freebies.  

   It is astounding to consider how a nation, as great as America is, with more potential than any other on earth to be self-sufficient, could succumb to an ideology that believes to take from one to give to another is the best way to succeed. It appears that all our founders fought and died to secure has been betrayed by an uninformed, misled, and narcissistic society.

  The moral standards that have defined America for hundreds of years are now a thing of the past. Sodomy is now not only an acceptable alternate lifestyle but is becoming a focal point in the schools our children attend and our tax dollars support. Same sex marriage is now legal in many states and the current administration has declared support for it and, if given the chance, would sign a constitutional amendment supporting it as a nation. Wealth redistribution is at the heart of the ruling party’s fiscal ideology which is a complete reversal of the capitalist principals that made Americans the most individually prosperous people in the entire world. Government mandated health insurance is required of every citizen, but not of the millions of illegal aliens that are putting the bulk of the fiscal burden on the healthcare industry. Abortion on demand must be paid for with the tax dollars of multiple millions of citizens whose moral values preclude them from supporting the killing of innocent human life at any stage. Selective (in)justice is administered for political gains. Free speech is being blamed for the murder of an American ambassador and three other Americans. Islam is controlling foreign policy and is beginning to dictate domestic affairs and threatens the first amendment of the constitution. The recreational use of marijuana has been legalized for the purpose of raising revenues.

  The list of ungodly, un/anti-American, and blatantly Marxist, Communist, Socialist and Fascist policies America has adopted as part of her new identity is much longer than the afore mentioned crimes against the moral values of our founding fathers. Needless to say many good citizens are devastated by the choice that the majority of Americans made for the future of our beloved and God ordained nation.

  So what lays ahead for what was the greatest nation the Earth has ever seen? The answer to that question I believe will be revealed soon and as painful as the near future will be there is still hope for this wounded land. Our restoration and reconciliation with the God who ordained this land, in my opinion, could not or would not have been possible had we elected anyone but Barack H. Obama.

  Had Mitt Romney been elected the fiscal state of affairs would most probably have been put back on track. A financial boom and a reformed tax code would likely have industry and the job market excited as unemployment fell to pre-recession rates. All of the economic benefits of a President Romney would have done nothing to fix the REAL problem with America.

  The aspects of our society that are an abomination to God would only have been better financed by the new economic recovery. Just as Manna and Quail from heaven only satisfied the stomachs of the Jews in the desert, financial recovery would only have delayed the journey to the Promised Land. It is likely that the hardhearted grumbling generation that refuses to fight for liberty in order to enjoy God’s blessings will be destroyed in the wilderness and only the Joshua’s and Caleb’s will survive to lead the next generation across the Jordan and into the land of freedom and prosperity promised to their forefathers. The journey to those blessings is going to be long and very difficult but it must be made for our sacred honor and our posterity.

  We who have been sounding the alarm warning of impending doom were born for such a time as this. We know and can identify the “Giants in the Land”. We have vision to impart to the next generation so that they can take back the high places and destroy the strongholds held by those giants for far too long. We must continue to make our voices heard with boldness and without fear of reprisal.

  This new generation of patriots will need everything we can give them in terms of time, spiritual guidance and all the encouragement we can give them. History shows that when left to fend for themselves, the young and inexperienced will not survive the pressures of a fallen society. The Lord has been faithful to keep a remnant in the land for the purpose of keeping the vision for America alive and those of us who are members of that remnant must be willing to give our all to any who are willing to join the battle.

  The task before us is that of restoring America to her place on the world stage as a beacon of light and a land of opportunity for all who long for the liberty and freedom to succeed or to fail!

 I said at the beginning that I hoped the scar from the self-inflicted wound would remain evident for centuries. I say this because a scar is a reminder to all who see it of the turmoil that had befallen us and gives opportunity to tell the history of our fall and rise from near destruction. The more gruesome the scar is, the more likely the choices made that caused it will be avoided. If we do not resist the work God is about to do in America we will be the Joshua’s and Caleb’s, and though we may not see the work completed in this life we will receive the most incredible reward anyone could hope for as we hear the words “Well done my faithful servant” from the one who birthed this land. I believe with all that is in me that SAVING AMERICA is a very high priority for the Lord and I am humbled to be able to play even this small role in His Divine plan.

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