Thursday, November 1, 2012

The recent “Perfect Storm” was a tragic event for the Eastern third of the U.S. and my thoughts and prayers go out to those who lost so much because of it. As I watched the coverage of the devastation I was struck by the extent of the damage done. It reminded me of the devastation I witnessed in Mississippi after Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf coast.

   But this afternoon I was taken aback by how out front the President was in assuring his assistance and that of the government. He appeared in the “Situation Room” with his team looking as though they were really 100% on top of things, as I am sure they are.

  What I was taken aback by was how “Presidential” he was in this situation as he led from the “front”. I was amazed by the comment he made in which he said “We will leave no one behind”. I could not help but think “Why was this not the case when our embassy was being attacked and the Navy Seals were begging for backup as they fought the Al-Qaida fighters completely out numbered.” It seemed like a clear attempt divert national attention from the atrocity he appears to have allowed to happen.

 I have been following this story, which most of the media has kept the public in the dark about, and I find it unbelievable that the Commander-in-Chief would not allow the assets available to be used to assist in saving our ambassador and others during the attack. Instead of commending the efforts of General Ham for ordering a “go” to the backup, President Obama fired him as well as an Admiral. WHY? I am more than sure these highly decorated General Officers were confident that the situation warranted the aid requested. I would think their quick action in responding to the request for assistance would be rewarded with, at the very least, an honorable mention, but instead they were punished by a President who never served in the military, and according to his own words, knew nothing about the attack in real time.  So why would the assistance be stopped midstream and by whom? I have my own theory about the answers to these questions. There is no doubt that this president is an Islamic sympathizer if not a member in good standing of the Muslim Brotherhood and this puts America in danger on many levels. I, like many Americans, do not want to believe that our president, or any other member of the government, would actually be an enemy of the American ideal and be actively involved in trying to replace it with a system of individual control like Shariah law and a global caliphate but the evidence for this being true is undeniable.   

   I am not alone in wanting to see justice for, not just those murdered in Libya, but also those murdered in the “Fast and Furious” scandal, for the doctor who has been imprisoned for aiding this President in the killing of Binladen, the families of those killed and wounded in the “Workplace Violence” at Ft. Hood, for the families STILL WAITING for the 9/11 terrorists to be tried, for we taxpayers whose money was wasted in Hawaii by federal officials, for the stockholders who had their contracts broken in favor of giving benefits to the big unions when the government took control of GM, and for the 43,000 dollars in debt my unborn grandchild will owe as soon as breath enter its lungs. Believe me the list of injustice is much longer but I think my point has been made.

 This administration is the most corrupt I have ever seen, the lies, deception, and divisive tactics continue daily. The intelligence of women is assaulted at every turn by focusing on $20.00 per month birth control and abortion instead of the issues that we all face every day. The average American is treated as a though they are part of a colony of morons with the inability to do anything without the help of the elite in government. I am fed up with being patronized and lied to and having my ability to comprehend what is right for America challenged.

  The scale of lies, division and deception are unprecedented and embarrassing to the nation. It is inconceivable to me that this man could be re-elected considering the number of Christians and others with similar moral values. The Democrat’s platform alone would, in my mind, preclude any Christian from supporting any democrat for public office. The democrats in attendance at their convention in North Carolina voted to remove any mention of God from the platform and to remove our support of Israel as it has been since it was founded in 1948. They voted to make same sex marriage and taxpayer funded late term abortion on demand a signature issue for America and nearly had a fit when the media pointed out the depravity of their platform. President Obama, as the leader of the Progressive/Democratic party, had to have reviewed and approved of this platform before it was presented for approval by the party at large.  They did change the exclusion of the mention of God in the platform but it took three votes and some microphone manipulating to make it sound like the yeas out- numbered the nays. It was a disgrace to lifelong democrats who for the most part are decent, however misguided, people. I believe it was the death blow to the Democratic Party that my father’s generation knew.

 I may again be verbally assaulted for saying these things but truth is truth and hiding one’s head in the sand will only serve to clog one’s nostrils and in this case further the progress toward an America that is a Marxist State, which I guarantee will eventually end like every other in history, mass graves and an enslaved citizenry. There is little time left to take action to restore America to her former state and the task is seemingly insurmountable but we must try. If we simply throw up our hands and give up the fight we will be sentencing future generations to slavery and extreme poverty. This nation is worth fighting for and fight we must even if it means, at some point, taking to the streets to demand our constitutional rights! SAVING AMERICA is our mandate and we will not fail!     

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