Sunday, June 30, 2013


  A house divided against its self cannot stand. Today America’s house is as divided as it was 150 years ago when the nation went to war with itself. The political system was failing and there were men in power that made decisions based on political expedience rather than the good of the nation. There was really no difference between political parties as the nation spiraled down the road to destruction. What mattered most to those who were in power was remaining in power at any cost.

  The Republic was shrouded in darkness as the powers that be rejected the God ordained purpose of America and instead pursued political agendas. The nation was being torn apart and her people were suffering. America was leaderless and vulnerable; she needed someone to arise and speak truth and boldly stand against those were undermining her foundation. It took men with vision and patriotism who were not afraid of taking risks to take America through a “Civil” war and not demonize their opposition but rather to see the founders’ vision for a United States of America.  

  Conflict is nothing new for America. We were birthed in conflict; we have been at war with many nations but we have always overcome because we remained true to our values and held to the vision of being a united people.

  Politically speaking there is little different today than 150 years ago. Many, if not most, who hold positions of power are making politically advantageous decisions with no regard for the general welfare of the republic. Sowing division and selling the people a perverted vision is the status quo from Washington.

  Today we find history repeating itself in the nation but this time the ideologies we fought in two world wars, Communism, Marxism, Fascism, Socialism in conjunction with an age old enemy, Fundamental Islam, are now in power and are destroying us from within our own government using our own laws to achieve the ultimate goal of control.

  As was the case in the mid 1850’s America is need of leaders who have vision and an understanding of our Divine destiny. There are a few good people in Washington and in some state governments who are fighting for Americas’ restoration but they are vastly outnumbered and are in need of our support. The elite establishment politicians have a bully pulpit and the press in their pocket working to advance a Progressive agenda.

   Their agenda is a perversion of the American dream of self-government and individual liberty with the freedom to succeed or to fail based on our own merit. They have bought favor with the uninformed and uneducated by giving empty promises and ‘free’ stuff while at the same time stripping us of freedoms our parents bled and died to ensure for us. They have gained nearly total control of the education system and are gaining more and more control of our children each day ensuring a future generation of indoctrinated Progressives.

  They must be stopped before we reach the point of no return. It is up to all of us to take a stand and begin confronting the enemy within whenever it raises its ugly head. Every time there is a politician holding public meetings we must show up in force and informed on the issues and confront them boldly when they speak propaganda or encourage them if they are standing for truth and are encouraging Constitutional government. There is something we all can do and we must stop making excuses for not doing what we know we must.

  I know I sound like a broken record but using social media to hold politicians accountable is a powerful means of communicating your views and demanding that your elected officials hear your voice. Do not threaten them but rather PROMISE them that all their actions will be posted for the entire electorate to see. Promise them that every violation or perversion of their oath to uphold and protect the Constitution will be publicized and you will work to get them removed from power. If they are indeed doing what they were elected to do promise them you will work to get them re-elected.

  SAVING AMERICA is no longer a ‘tomorrow’ thing. Many lines have been crossed and we will be held accountable by God for their/our actions. Sodomite marriage is now legal in our national cathedral, millions of unborn children have been flushed down the sewers of most of our cities and God is mocked and ridiculed in the public square while Allah is revered and promoted. Gods’ judgment is coming and it will be proportional to the atrocities we have committed directly or by complacency. The fate of our republic is in our hands and we had better get on our knees and soon! Once we have repented before God we must then rise and do battle to retake America and make sure we never allow her to fall to the hands of our enemies again. Today is the day to make your decision to act or to comply. 

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