Saturday, June 15, 2013

                 YOU ARE SOMEONE ELSE

  Edward Snowden leaked documents that exposed the NSA’s ‘spying on Americans’ scandal and the debate about his status is being spoon fed to us by the ‘news media’ and the government.

  NSA chief, General Keith Alexander, gave testimony concerning the leaked documents and stated that the program is essential to national security and that the release of the documents has given vital information to Al Qaeda operatives, aka Islamic fundamentalists (at least they are ‘aka’ to those of us who are not buying this administrations portrayal of who we are at war with).

   Very few journalist or news commentators, one or maybe two, have called him a ‘whistle blower’. The label being put on him by Progressives and by their sympathizers is that of a traitor. Some call him a spy for China that has played us for fools. They question his age appropriateness for having a top security clearance and never mention that there are thousands of people much younger than him in the military with the same clearances. They have even stooped slandering his girlfriend.

  Every pundit and establishment politician is jumping up and running to any available microphone to defend the ‘spying’ program. They defend the gathering of information on U.S. citizens by saying that all the information is kept but not seen unless there is probable cause. They conveniently leave out the fact that this program was useless in stopping the Shoe Bomber, the Underwear Bomber, the Time Square Bomber, the Christmas Day Bomber, the Fort Hood Shooter, the Sandyhook Shooter, the Movie Theater Shooter…….

 They tell us that the only way any of the communications can be seen is by obtaining a warrant from a federal judge. They also tell us that there are multiple layers of security that have to be used for ANY of the communications to be seen.

  They want us to believe that the Justice Department run by Eric Holder, who bold faced lied to Congress about Fast and Furious, the AP scandal, the Fox News scandal and who is being held in contempt of Congress, will never be able to use the information for anything but national security and then only after obtaining a warrant showing probable cause. If I’m not mistaken Mr. Holder works for the same guy that the I.R.S. works for. And if I remember correctly information and communications of Obamas self-proclaimed enemies was not only gathered but was used and disseminated for political gain and to intimidate them.

  The tactics being used against Edward Snowden are the same tactics used by Obama and his campaign to destroy Mitt Romney during the 2012 election. Romney was falsely accused of not paying taxes for 10 years by the Senate Majority Leader from the floor of the Senate. He was accused of being personally responsible for the death of a woman and being cold hearted about it. The news media did all they could to help destroy Romney with propaganda and outright character assignation. The last time such blatant tactics were used to win an election was in the early 1930’s by Adolf Hitler.

  I don’t have a clue about who Edward Snowden is or if he is telling the truth about his motives for leaking the information about our government spying on us in a clear violation of the 4th amendment of our Constitution. What I do know is that this administration has lied, misled, and obstructed investigations into Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the IRS targeting of conservatives, the EPA targeting conservative groups, the Justice Department seizure of journalists records and a lot more that I won’t list here and it was all done for personal and political gain.

  If given the choice between believing our government or believing a young man who says he blew the whistle on the NSA because they were violating the Constitution, and did so at his own personal risk, I will give Mr. Snowden the benefit of the doubt and throw the Obama administration under the proverbial bus with all the General officers and whistle blowers they have tossed under there in the last 4 ½ years.

  America has become a nation I no longer recognize and I fear it will only get worse if We The People do not take a stand and get involved at every level of government. If we do not start holding those we elect to office accountable we will be just as guilty of the corruption and treasonous actions as they are. We have got to make our voices heard and we must do it now. Every elected official from dog catcher to president has got to hear from us personally and collectively. Don’t put it off and think someone else will do it, you ARE someone else! SAVING AMERICA is our responsibility and next to our devotion to God and family it is our highest priority. The future of the world depends on you and on me. You and I are either for America or against her, there is NO middle ground, if you are not actively involved then you ARE actively UNINVOLVED and thereby aiding and abetting the Progressive agenda. It is time!

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