Saturday, August 11, 2012

 In the epic struggle we face to return America to its’ foundation we must understand the forces that are arrayed against us. Though there are several groups that want to redesign America to fit their ideal land of utopia, there are some who are much more nefarious in their goal. These groups are using the young and uninformed as “useful idiots” to achieve their goal.

 Our government has become so politically correct that they have forbidden themselves from identifying the clear and sworn enemies of America! I will endeavor to shed some light on one enemy that I believe is extremely dangerous and very active in the U.S. today and has been for many years. We must understand who they are, how they work and what their stated goals are to be able to defeat them. According to Jesus we have the authority to crush the serpent and step on the scorpion, BUT, we need wisdom in when and how to attack them. If you step on the snake’s tail he will turn and strike you as will the scorpion if not handled correctly!

  I will start with Islam and the organization known as the Muslim Brotherhood. The M.B. has a 100 year history dating back to the breakup of the Ottoman Empire. This group of individuals formed in 1928 with the stated goal of re-establishing a global Caliphate (a system of Islamic law known as Shariah).

 One of the most common misconceptions about Islam is that it is a religion, it is not! Islam is a political system of governing based on the Koran. In reality Islam is no different than the ideologies of Communism, Marxism or Socialism.

  In Marxism, Socialism and Communism people are told there is no god but the government. That all one is and has is for the collective and the individual owes his very existence to the government, and all rights and liberties come from government. The ideology behind Islam is similar with the exception being that the god of Islam (Allah) dictates every aspect of one’s life through the Koran and other writings from Islam. Religion is a very small part of Islam but is used to control its’ followers with the threat of physical harm or death for resisting the dictates of the Koran or for leaving Islam. 

 The M.B. is a multi-faceted organization with the stated goal of establishing a global caliphate. The following is from the M.B.’s Shura Council and Organizational Conference in 1987 on their role in America: “The process of settlement is a “Civilization Jihadist process” … The M.B. must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the western civilization from within and sabotaging it’s miserable house by their own hands and the hands of believers so that it is eliminated and god’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”!

 These are their own words and need to be taken at face value. If there is any doubt that Islam is a global threat one needs look no further than any news broadcast of the events around the world. In virtually every conflict on every continent Islamist are carrying out attacks of terror with the goal of toppling governments and “winning” converts.  There are cities in Europe where police and fire officials are forbidden by the Islamic community leaders. These areas of cities are known as “no go zones” and are found in France, England, Germany Belgium and other European and Asian countries. A full explanation of their goal can be found by doing a Google search of the M.B. strategic plan for North America titled “An Explanatory Memorandum: On The General Strategic Goal for the Group”. The document was seized in an FBI raid on Ismail Elbarasse’s home in Annadale Virginia in 2004.

 The organization has been tied to terror groups around the globe yet the federal government continues to ignore the obvious threat posed by them and has gone to extremes to protect and to employ members in top national security departments! One group in particular is C.A.I.R., the Council on American-Islamic Relations. C.A.I.R. was deemed an unindicted co-conspirator in the infamous Holy land Foundation trial and the FBI has cut all ties with them because of their ties to Hamas, a terror group with links to Iran.

C.A.I.R and another group I.S.N.A. (Islamic Society of North America) are both co-conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation and yet they are widely accepted by the feds as credible sources to turn to in matters of national security! The Obama administration has welcomed them into the White House as honored guests and has allowed them to be given security clearances to work in various national security agencies including DHS and ICE. On at least one occasion a member of the DHS (MB) was caught downloading secret documents from a computer belonging to Border Security. The head of DHS Janet Napolitano was questioned about this in a senate hearing and was “oblivious” to the event and promised to ‘look into it personally’. The senator who questioned her the first time had the opportunity to question her again a couple weeks ago and her response was either incompetence or treasonous! (the exchange can be seen on YouTube).

 SAVING AMERICA is going to take bold people asking bold questions to government officials. But we must ask and we must demand answers! We must remind elected officials that they work for us and we demand that the security and wellbeing of our foundation be the absolute 1st priority.

 I will continue to expound on the identity and mission of Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood and its many organizations in America in future blogs. I urge anyone reading this to research the materials and names I have mentioned in this post. This is much too complicated a group to define and expose in a single post so till next time stay focused and keep the mission of SAVING AMERICA in your prayers and actions! May God bless America and may America once again bless God!

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