Friday, August 10, 2012

  In a fight for survival the old saying “all is fair in love and war” comes to mind. Though the instinct for survival is strong to nearly all powerful in the animal kingdom it should not be so in the human race. For civilized man there is a much more appropriate old saying that is both honorable and dignified. It goes something like this ‘It’s not whether you win or lose that matters but how you play the game’.

  I have real issues with the way the establishment politicians are “playing the game”. The lengths they go to acquire positions of authority are appalling!  The demonizing of an opponent shows the real character of the individual seeking election to office. If a person will use tactics that are meant to destroy another person’s character one would have to wonder to what lengths they would go to further their own agenda. If one is willing sell his own integrity, and for that matter, his soul, for temporal gain he/she should be exposed and barred from public service for life.

 The recent political attacks against Mitt Romney by Harry Reid, a United States senator, and a political action committee linked directly to the Obama administration ought to be enough to make those who elected them to office hide their heads in shame! In Senator Reid’s case he accused Mr. Romney of tax evasion for a period of ten years which is a felony offense punishable by imprisonment. He made this charge on the floor of the seat of our national government for the world to see, and indeed because of the media coverage he knew it would get, the whole world did see. The senator knows there is no basis for the charge because the ubiquitous I.R.S. would have had Mr. Romney arrested, fined and imprisoned.

  In the case of the Democratic Super-PAC Mr. Romney was accused of being directly responsible for the death of a woman who suffered from cancer. When it was vetted and proven to be blatantly false by both conservative and liberal fact checkers the producers of the ad still stood by it. The Obama administration claimed to know “nothing” about the ad or the man in it or his claims that Mr. Romney was responsible for him losing insurance coverage and subsequently the death of his wife. When ABC, CBS and FOX news all showed that not only did the White House have that same man in an ad earlier this year,  a top aid for the re-election of Obama had the man on a recorded conference call in which the man told the story to her and others. After it has been proven that the mans’ wife was diagnosed 5 years after Mr. Romney left the corporation and had no ties to it any longer, still they stand with it and refuse to acknowledge it is a fraudulent charge. And when asked by the press to admonish the so called super-pac the White House still refuses to do so!

 This is the same Barack Obama who, while running for the presidency, said that these types of tactics are harmful to the very fabric America and its political system! He was the “new” type of politician that would bring an end to the partisan politics and once again unite the country. His whole campaign was focused on “HOPE and CHANGE”!

 These tactics could only have been done to demonize a political opponent who threatens the progressive agenda. If this administration will be involved in this style of political gamesmanship to maintain power, what else are they willing to do after they accomplish their goal of keeping the White House? I could spend much time answering that question, and I will soon! The most dangerous threat deals with the Islamic threat and in particular the Muslim Brotherhood and I will speak out on that soon.

 This country is in deep trouble! The progressives are almost completely out of the closet and are implementing a divide and conquer strategy. The president daily sows the seeds of class warfare, turning the poor and the lower middle class against the upper middle class and the wealthy. By executive orders he mandates programs to seduce the poor to vote for him and prohibits the enforcement of whatever laws will appease his base and certain minority groups and thereby gains their vote. He is continually demonizing the rich at campaign stops by day and then by night he attends $40,000.00 a plate campaign dinners with the elites in Hollywood and Wall Street bankers.

 The man is dangerous and a threat to the very fabric of America and must he be exposed and voted out of office along with the entire progressive movement!

 The upcoming election will either be the beginning of the restoration of America or it will be the end of the American experiment in self-government! The choice is clear and it is ours to make. We must use every tool available to us to spread the truth of the progressive agenda to destroy America and incorporate her into the “New World Order” longed for by the leaders of the progressive cancer that permeates nearly every government on the planet!

I know I sound like a broken record but we must use social media for more than sending cute pictures of our kids and grandkids. We have to find and post things that help inform the uninformed and less educated. We have to tell the deceived what is going to happen to them when the elites no longer “need” them! We have to communicate with these politicians and let them know we are aware of what is happening and will end their careers at the ballot box. We have to know and understand the founding documents so we can hold them accountable to them. We have got to get people who are like minded about the Republic to make sure they are registered to vote and then make sure we, and they make it to the polls in November. But most importantly we must pray for the Lord to have mercy and spare this nation from His judgment and to deliver us from the ideologies of past generations that have always lead to mass graves and the destruction of grate nations throughout history!

 SAVING AMERICA is going to be no easy task, but “With God all things are possible!”  In this fight we cannot stoop to the level of the progressives, we must use the tools the founders left to us and defeat them in a way that will be an example to our descendants and will help restore integrity to the political system again. In so doing we will restore the ideals that my generation was taught and what I mentioned at the beginning of this post, “its’ not whether we win or lose that matters, but how we play the game!”
ps: you have no idea how hard it was to not use the terms pinheads and weasels! 

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