Tuesday, August 21, 2012

“Jihad for Allah is not limited to the specific region of the Islamic countries, since the Muslim homeland is one and is not divided, and the banner of Jihad has already been raised in some of its parts, and shall continue to be raised, with the help of Allah, until every inch of the land of Islam will be liberated, and the State of Islam established.” Mustafa Mashhur, leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt 1996-2002

   “The Islamic State starts by reforming the individual, followed by building the family, the society and the government, and then the rightly guided Caliphate, and finally achieving mastership of the world, a mastership of guidance, instruction, truth and justice.” Mohammed Badie, general guide of the Egyptian Muslin Brotherhood.

  These two statements are direct quotes from the spiritual guides of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Both men state without hesitation that the goal of Islam is establishing a world- wide Caliphate. For those who are unfamiliar with Islam and think that it is a religion, it is not! Islam is an ideology similar to Communism, Socialism or Marxism. It is a form of government which has, as a very small element, religion to solidify the believer’s strict adherence and commitment to Shariah unto death due primarily to the fear of Allah rather than belief in the love of God as is true in Christianity.

 The Brotherhood is roughly 100 years old and is widely accepted in the Muslim world as representative of Islam as a whole. Al-Qaeda was birthed from the Brotherhood by Osama Binladen in the late 1980s. They are responsible for nearly all terror attacks across the world and have formally declared war on America. The threat to civilized societies around the world is real and must be treated with all diligence! Their goal of establishing a global Caliphate (governing kingdom) through jihad is marching ahead at breakneck speed in the Middle East and believe it or not right here in America.

 Our political and cultural leaders in the secular community have in many cases un-wittingly placed themselves and, through a sort of forced political correctness, the majority of the American people under the rule of Shariah law. Under Shariah it is a crime to speak against Allah, Mohammed, the Koran or Islam. Being silenced for fear of being labeled an Islamophobe is to be in compliance to Shariah Law.

  The federal government has hired several members of various Muslim Brotherhood organizations including CAIR and ISNA to be public relation advisors in numerous security departments. Having these unindicted co-conspirators (designated such by a federal judge after the Holyland trial and labeled the same by the FBI) has resulted in the complete scrubbing of all references to radical Islam and Jihad from all training manuals in all security agencies so as not to offend the Muslim community. This political correctness is not allowing those responsible for keeping America safe from all her enemies to identify her most deadly foe, Islam!

 America has been at war with Islam in one form or another since the late 1700s when we sent our troops to foreign soil for the first time to destroy pirates attacking our ships off the African coast of Tripoli. Islam has attacked us in nearly every corner of the world and still only a very few in our government are willing to acknowledge the threat posed by Islam and in particular the Muslim Brotherhood.

 The city of Dearborn Michigan is under siege by Islam and there have been more than 50 cases of judges in America considering Shariah in presiding over law suits. One such case involved a woman in New Jersey seeking a restraining order against her husband for repeatedly raping her. The judge ruled in favor of the husband because under his “religion” (Shariah) his wife was his property and as such he had authority over her body!  

 Jihad is being waged on a daily basis through what is called by fundamental Islamists “civilization Jihad”. Civilization Jihad is what the “gentleman” I quoted earlier described. It is a process of occupy and populate until such time as you out number your enemy then by all necessary means you destroy him! This process is described in full in the Koran as an acceptable means of conquering lands and peoples. This tactic has been being used effectively for centuries by Islam and has virtually crippled most of Europe. It is being used in America and as I mentioned Dearborn Michigan has been nearly lost to Shariah.

 Under the US Constitution Muslims have the God given right to worship Allah whenever and where ever they wish. They do not however, have the right to implement any form of governmental laws other than the Constitution of the United States! The Constitution is the supreme law of the land and all other forms of government and law must be forbidden to exist on our shores! We must protest the political correctness of our leaders and fellow citizens at every level and resist compliance to Shariah Law or we will find ourselves in the same position as England and most of the rest of Europe.

  The infiltration of America by Islam and through the Muslim Brotherhood must be confronted by “We The People” now and continually until such time as they have been driven from positions of influence and authority in America and, indeed the globe, or we will find ourselves kneeling 5 times a day facing Mecca and praying to Allah. Or like myself, bowing before the TRUE GOD and asking for vengeance on those who martyred me and my brothers in Christ for our faith! SAVING AMERICA and the rest of the somewhat free world is at stake and if we do nothing we will be held accountable!

Ps. any comments can be directed to   therev@wildblue.net

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