Sunday, April 7, 2013

  Critical Thinking


 Watching the President, members of the Senate,  Congress and the media pundits and listening to the rhetoric by both sides of the gun ban, magazine regulations and universal background checks that are being proposed to stop ‘gun violence’, I have noticed a very disturbing thing.

 Of course the President and most media pundits are Progressives, as are many of the members of the Senate and Congress. The disturbing thing I see happening is a recurring tactic used by Progressives since their inception, in fact it is as old as time itself. If you can control the narrative you can win the argument.

  In the Garden of Eden the Serpent was able to convince Eve that she was not “like” God by twisting the truth. He used logic and a persuasive argument with enough truth intertwined to ‘fool’ Eve into losing her freedom. If Eve had known who was speaking to her she would likely never had fallen into the deception he had sown. Simply put Eve was uninformed and because she didn’t understand who the Serpent was, she saw no need of using critical thinking when she was presented with something she should have known was false.

  Sadly the story is still the same today, many people are uninformed and do not recognize who the Serpent is. He is still as evil as ever and has the same goal, to enslave people by means of deception through twisting of truth, dividing people and controlling the narrative. The only thing that has changed is his name. At this time in history he has manifested as Progressivism and is making advances faster than ever before. Most people have been too distracted to notice him as he has eroded freedoms and divided us by twisting the truth about violence in the world and in this case America.

  As the debate is raging Progressives are making and taking ground by repeating a lie, which on the surface seems like nothing, but is taking a huge toll on the truth.  

  Every day I hear someone, both pro 2nd amendment and Progressive use the word “ASSAULT” as a prefix to rifle. This term is usually used in association with the AR 15 or the AK 47.

  Though it seems like an acceptable term, it is destroying our argument that there is a right to own this type of weapon or rifle by a twisting of truth. The truth is that no rifle, be it a semi-auto, bolt action, pump or single shot, is an assault rifle, it is simply a rifle. Even if it is used in the commission of a crime to assault someone it is not an assault rifle, it is a rifle period! Just because it has been improperly used changes nothing about it, it remains a rifle. The only reason the word ‘ASSAULT’ should be used in connection with a crime is to label the crime not the weapon used in committing a crime by an “ASSAILANT”.

  We must begin to use critical thinking when dealing with any politician on any issue because by staying uninformed and uninvolved we have allowed Progressives to set the narrative and frame the argument to their advantage by playing on emotions and exploiting crisis after crisis.
 SAVING AMERICA is going to depend on every one paying close attention to every word of everyone, including Conservatives. I urge everyone reading this to stop anyone and everyone who uses the term “ASSAULT RIFLE”, midsentence to correct and inform them gently and compassionately that they are incorrect in using that terminology. If we remain silent and allow them to continue controlling the dialogue we will lose the argument and more of our freedoms

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