Tuesday, April 2, 2013


 Once again I find myself wanting to reach through the TV and grab a politician by the scruff of their neck and shake them silly! The narrative being put forth by politicians is no less than propaganda and is more annoying than the constant drip of a leaking faucet.

  Somewhere, somehow politicians have gotten the idea that if they are not making, voting on or passing new laws or regulations they are failing at their jobs. The latest example (at least in the last 15 minutes) is the constant beating of the gun ban drum. Every one of them, with very few exceptions, is insistent that the solution to gun violence is more legislation.

  So called conservative Republicans continue to make “Deals” with Democrats that over time will completely do away with the 2nd amendment. They cannot be as stupid as they would like me to believe. Many of them have been in office for 20 or more years and seem to believe that the Democrats are honorable and have the Republic’s best interest in mind as they keep whittling away at the foundation of American society by continually supporting our social decay and moral decline. It is obvious, at least it is to me, that they are in bed with the Progressives and want to fundamentally transform America into a form of the E.U. with them as the Elite ruling class.  

  The solution to gun violence or any other acts of violence is not a political one but is a return to the moral fabric that was America less than 50 years ago. There are more than 9,000 gun laws and countless regulations on the books now that are poorly enforced or not enforced at all and one or a dozen more will not stop any of the violence taking place in America.

  Elite progressives have taken control of our schools and universities and have indoctrinated and continue to reprogram our young people with ideals that are foreign to whom we are as a nation with the stated goal of fundamentally transforming America.

  America needs a restoration not a transformation. We don’t need more laws or regulations we need leadership at all levels of society. It is clear that leadership is not going to come from Washington or from state capitols so it falls on us, the average patriotic citizen to set the course for the next generation. The change begins with each individual standing up for what is right no matter the personal cost.

  Taking a stand against propaganda can be and is a simple thing to do that can make a huge difference when it comes to changing the narrative being put forth by Progressives. I am making a challenge to all who are reading this to take one simple action that has the potential to reach millions of people in just a few short minutes.

  I’m asking everyone who has a Face Book or twitter account to go to their representatives home and official Face Book page and state their opinion and give them your advice or remind them that they work for you and that they need to stop making regulations and passing more laws that only affect law abiding citizens and instead pass laws that would place mandatory punishment for gun related crimes or some other common sense solution.

 Everything that gets posted on their wall will be seen by any who go there to find information on local issues. If people see that there are others with the same opinion it will generate a “LIKE” and thereby more attention from that representative.

  It may sound simple and a waste of time but just as an example of what kind of power you have look at what happened in Harrisburg Pa. when people Face Booked the North East Gun show about banning “Black” guns. Because of public outcry and unification the entire event was cancelled at a cost of millions for the city of Harrisburg.

  You can make a difference if you try and try we must! If SAVING AMERICA from total destruction is important to you then start using your power today and MAKING your voice heard.

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