Thursday, May 8, 2014

Will America Survive?


 I believe there is still hope and time for America to destroy the scourge of Progressivism that is eating away at our liberty like a cancerous growth; however I have serious doubts as to whether there are enough people of faith praying for her or patriots with the zeal to fight for her.

  I have said on many occasions that I do not believe there is a political solution that will destroy Progressivism in America and I still do not believe there is. There is no hope for our survival that does not involve direct intervention by God Almighty in His people and their cry for an awakening that will bring a great harvest of souls.

  I have a feeling of desperation in my spirit that will not leave no matter how much I cry out to God for peace and assurance of a bright (near) future for my descendants. I have been praying for conservative constitutionalist to win in the primaries and November’s election but I keep having that same gut wrenching pain I had when President Obama “Won” in 2010. I am certain I don’t need to remind anyone who is reading this what that feeling is like so I won’t cause you any unnecessary discomfort by replaying the event.
  Our enemy is ourselves and the only one who can turn that enemy into an ally us. To rescue America from the grip of Progressivism we must first recognize that we allowed ourselves to become complacent stewards of our government and have failed to put our moral responsibility to pray for those in leadership ahead of our personal good. We also admit that we have betrayed our God by violating His command to not put our trust in men.

  For far too long we have been ‘faithful’ to go to the polls and cast a vote for our favorite politician instead of the one who would have been best for the republic and after leaving the voting booth we have simply gone home and waited to hear the results of the election and ended our involvement there thinking we have done our civic duty and the rest is up to the one who won the race.

  When I heard the news that Obama had a second term my heart sank and after I screamed “WHY?” I heard the words “we have gotten what we deserved” in my spirit. I was reminded of the words Jesus spoke “To whom much is given much is required”. America wanted what Israel wanted when they demanded a king instead of their God and we are reaping the consequences of our desire for a nanny instead of personal responsibility. Israel got their Saul and we got our ‘nanny’ Barack, Israel became divided and broken and America is now divided and broken.

 It took Divine intervention to reestablish Israel as a nation in 1948 but she is still not united or secure and will not be until she puts her complete trust in her God and His Messiah. She was given the chance to be free and secure 2,000 years ago but rejected the one who would have delivered her for all time. Thank God that He did not give up on her and that He sent a remnant of faithful Jews who did accept Him to the gentile nations.
 America was established by God and was the example to the world of what a nation whose God is the Lord is capable of. God was honored and feared by her citizens for nearly 200 years and during that time we prospered and grew strong. But at the turn of the 20th century we began to gradually become prideful and arrogant. It was during the first few decades of that century that Progressivism began to take shape and grow. As the years have passed since then we have allowed the Godless Progressive ideology to take over both political parties in Washington rendering God irrelevant in their minds.

  America can only survive if her people call on the God who established her and she once again honors and respects Him in the public square. If we do not return to our roots and humble ourselves before Him we will not survive and we will get what we deserve from Him. There will always be remnant who survives, but it will be just that, survival, not life in abundance as we once enjoyed.

  Our national salvation does not depend on politics but in the God who has always saved and in His Son, Jesus Christ. He will not leave us or forsake us because we are in covenant with Him and it is impossible for Him to break covenant, however He will allow us to go into exile just as He has done with Israel on many occasions.

  Whether we come under judgment or not depends on us; if we bow to His will He will restore us but if we continue to resist Him and reject His presence He will allow us to experience the full force of Progressive evil we are seeking. Pray for America…

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