Friday, September 6, 2013

  I wasn't able to follow the news closely while I was in Israel but as I have been catching up on some current events a story caught my eye. I heard John "to my knowledge I don't have any knowledge" Kerry say that some Arab nations will pay for the actions we take in Syria. I may be cynical, but to me that sounds like a very bad idea.
  At what point do we become unable to not be influenced by their money. Does this mean our soldiers are or will be mercenaries? When Obama said, without challenge, "My Military" does that open the door for the Arab nations to use OUR military to help build their caliphate? Is this Constitutional? Is this going to be used to set a precedent for future conflicts?
  It grieves me to say that America is being sold as a whore to our enemy (Islamic nations who long for our destruction) by politicians who are obviously ignorant of the danger Islam poses. 
 Obama and Progressives from both political parties are ignoring their constituents demands to stay out of Syria and stop funding terrorists with our tax dollars. A Progressive Senator from California  actually said that her office has received many calls and letters that are overwhelmingly against U.S. involvement in Syria, she went on to say that "they don't know what I know", in other words "We The People" are to stupid to know who our enemy is. The "Good" Senator may be right as evidenced by her having been re-elected several times by her 'stupid/ignorant' constituents.
  In the next few weeks America will be brought to a place where the surrender of our national credibility will be complete and any trust we have had with our friends will be destroyed. The President is a laughing stock in the world. His empty threats and 'tough' words about "Red Lines" being crossed has had the same result with Al Qaeda that yelling at a child has if there is no follow through with the stated consequences. 
  America needs a complete renovation of  Congress and the Presidency. We must sweep clean the Cesspool of Washington by electing people who will follow closely the Constitution and the Bill of Rights no matter how politically unpopular that may be.
  America must awaken or we will be the like the victim in "Silence of the Lambs"; Hannibal has us tied in the chair, hands behind our backs with the top of our skull removed eating our brain.     

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