Wednesday, September 25, 2013

It is a well established Progressive tactic to demonize your opponent when they beat you with facts. We saw how Harry Reid trashed Romney from the Senate floor and how the media edits video to make someone out to be an idiot. It is happening again and this time to Ted Cruz. Progressives are calling him an anarchist and are saying he is a 'fake Christian', like they have any clue what Jesus is like.... I heard several Senators, Congressman, pundits and Hollywood airheads calling him, and those of us who support him and the Tea Party, racists and anti-American today. It is only going to get worse as Senator Cruz and others stand for traditional American values. We must not allow them to drag us to their level (sorry about the airhead remark...not really but..). What Progressives want more than anything is for a conservative Tea Party Patriot to start a physical altercation, and we must not give that to them! If Senator Cruz did anything last night he gave us hope in the system and showed us how to destroy their agenda; with calm and rational spoken truth. All the mud slinging from Progressives in both parties will come back and bite them and when this bad law hits all the 'little' people there will be a move back to conservatism in America.
When we take back the country we must be able to be like "Lincoln" after the 'Civil War' and refuse to demonize those who were fooled and misled by Progressives. We must do all we can to hold the union together but we must also hold the "War Criminals" to account and never allow them to have any power in any political realm again. Those who had criminal acts that can be proven i.e. bribery, abuse of power or treason must be tried and prosecuted to the full extent of the law but we must have mercy on the uninformed.
It is in reality us, conservatives, who are to blame for the state America finds herself in today. Our self absorbed lifestyles and noninvolvement in the running of the politics Of America left the door wide open for those we have ruining the republic now. We need to accept the responsibility for the corruption in our government and repent for what we have allowed to happen and then fulfill our God given right and responsibility to steward this great republic for posterity's sake.

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