Monday, September 9, 2013

So who do we trust about this whole Syria thing? On the one hand we have a president who has and continues to lie and obstruct an investigation into the Benghazi murders. He and Hillary Clinton both said emphatically that a YouTube video was responsible. The two of them made a video to show in Muslim countries at a cost of 75,000 tax payer dollars apologizing for one American “Abusing his 1st amendment right of free speech”. He continues to this day to obstruct the investigation into Fast and Furious which left at least one border patrol officer and countless Mexican citizens dead.
 In 2012 he said “A red line would be if we see a whole bunch of chemical weapons being moved around… or used”, then last week he said “I didn’t draw a red line the world did.”
 We have Secretary Of State John " my knowledge I have no knowledge..." Kerry who lied about our vets in Viet Nam and who just a short time ago was a supporter of Assad.
 Then we have James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence, who said under oath in a Congressional hearing that the Muslim Brotherhood was basically a secular group who have 'eschewed violence' and who also blatantly lied to congress about the NSA gathering American citizen’s communications.
 I don’t know what to say about Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel who doesn't seem to be able to make a coherent statement about anything.
 Then of course there is our anti-Semitic United States U.N. Ambassador Samantha Power who says the administration thought that if they told Iran that Syria used chemical weapons they would then drop support for Syria.
 On the other hand we have "YouTube videos" showing Syria's military firing chemical weapons and just as many showing the so-called 'rebels' firing them. Don’t forget that we were told a "You Tube" video was the reason for the Benghazi murders but it turned out to be a complete fabrication to which we still don’t know who told Susan Rice to promote or who the architect of that lie was.
  We are being told by Progressives from both parties that we have to hit Syria now. There are no "Hollywood Heavy Weights" pushing from either side like they did during the Bush administration.
 To me it seems obvious that as the pressure mounted on the scandals facing this president, a "Dog began to wag". As has been the case for the last five years whenever the political winds begin to blow against this president’s agenda a new ‘crisis’ arises to distract the public.
 I feel horrible for those innocent people caught in the middle of this situation but I cannot help but believe that there is more going on than we are seeing or being told. No matter what we do or don't do Islam will not end and therefore neither will the senseless killings.
  If we go with an attack on Assad we help the Muslim Brotherhood and their Al Qaeda cohorts. If we stay out and do nothing we help Iran secure a launching point for missiles and or troops against Israel. The reality is all the focus being put on Syria is giving Iran more time to produce nukes.
 Syria is a lose lose situation so we should not send our troops into harms’ way. The likelihood of things getting worse if we get involved is very strong.
 In reality I believe what we are seeing is a crisis, whether actual or fabricated only those involved know, being exploited by this president and by Iran.
 The only things we can and should do is pray for the innocents and help them escape any way we can and then follow Sarah Palin's advice and let Allah sort out the rest.

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