Monday, June 16, 2014

Rise Of The Caliphate

I started warning of the danger to America posed by Islam in earnest about 4 years and was pretty much ignored. I spoke of the reestablishment of the Caliphate that was broken up when the Ottoman Empire was ended in the early 20th century and of the formation of the Muslim Brotherhood, and again very few people took what I said seriously.

Today we are witnessing the fastest advancement of the Muslim Caliphate in history. The new caliphate is being lead by a former Gitmo detainee that Obama freed in 2009. He was picked up on the battlefield while waging Jihad and has returned to the battlefield with a vengeance and a promise to his former jailers at Gitmo to "See them in New York".

There have been at least 1,700 beheadings by ISIS in the last week and 1,000's more murdered after they were forced to dig their own graves in Iraq. The 5 "animals" Obama let out of Gitmo in a "Trade" for Bowe Bergdahl are going to join this war on infidels and the war is coming to America soon.

 If we do not take action and demand that Congress take action soon we are going to see things on our own soil that even Hollywood can't imagine .

We must demand an immediate end of foreign aid to all Muslim nations that harbor Islamists and the freezing of all their assets in America. We must also demand that drilling for gas and oil and the building of new refineries begin now. If we do not flood our representatives with phone calls and emails demanding immediate action the end of America as we know it is certain.

The Obama administration is complicit with the growth of Jihad and must be stopped. I wear the badge of being a conspiracy nut with pride and will not stop trying to warn of the danger we are in and if anyone doubts the threat of Islam I have no other argument. I advise that those who can should prepare for the worst because the worst is about to happen.....

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