Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Paid In Full

“And just as each person is destined to die once and after that comes judgment, so also Christ died once for all time as a sacrifice to take away the sins of many people. He will come again, not to deal with our sins, but to bring salvation to all who are eagerly waiting for him.”
Over the years I have spent many hours with the dying and with their families and friends. It is never easy for those who are not certain of what is ahead of them after leaving what most perceive to be life. Something I always try to do when I minister in those circumstances is to speak truth while at the same time bringing comfort and peace.
The reality of life is that death is very much a part of it, a fact that many people cannot face because they do not have faith in the creator and sustainer of life. I believe there is a spiritual reality that every human being is, at some level, aware of but do not understand so they try to define the spirituality they sense using human terms and personal experiences. (Ecc. He has put eternity in the heart of man)
The problem many have with Christianity is that there is no second chance to “get it right”, once this part of life is over you stand before the creator and face judgment. The thought of being condemned is outside the realm of possibility in the human mind because of our instinct for self-preservation and our fear of pain and suffering.
I believe the Bible is absolute truth and that everyone is destined to die (something that cannot be disputed). I also believe that the Bible is accurate when it says that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. I have no fear of dying because I know that the penalty for all the sin in my life has been paid in full.
Though I will stand before the judge guilty of every sin the devil will be charging me with I will not be condemned to hell. Before my sentence is pronounced Jesus will act as my defense attorney and will prove that my sentence has already been carried out through His crucifixion and there is no “Double Jeopardy” or condemnation for me. Because I am eagerly awaiting His return I will receive my final salvation at His appearance should that happen before my death. Only those who can say that they have accepted Jesus can face death with no fear but with expectation of eternity in the presence of God…

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