Monday, June 23, 2014

Political pundits seem 'confused' as to why President Obama did not keep troops in Iraq which would have been able to prevent ISIS from taking back the ground so many of our soldiers died for. The reason is quite simple actually, Mr. Obama is a Sunni supporter, if not a member himself, and G.W. Bush put the Shia sect in office in Iraq.

I back that statement up with the fact that while the Muslim Brotherhood was in control of Egypt and killing thousands of Christians, this president pumped billions of dollars into the regime but as soon as they were deposed he cut ties with them.

Mr. Obama has overtly supported the Muslim Brotherhood (Sunni Muslims) since he was elected. His allegiance with Islam and his opposition to Christianity is well documented (Wall Builders) and indisputable.

Because political correctness has shackled our government from being able to see and take action against a clear and present danger from our own president and his administration we will see fundamental Islamist attack us again soon. Our president and our spineless Congress are the greatest threat to national security we face today.

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