Saturday, September 13, 2014

Emotional Manipulation

The devil has a way of twisting our emotions and using our feelings to bring us out of fellowship with each other and with God. We must not be ignorant of his strategies or how he uses what God has created within us. It is important to understand how our emotions work so we can keep them in control.

Every emotion we experience stems from a thought that passes through our mind, the thought then triggers a reaction within the brain releasing chemicals resulting in feelings or emotions. The emotion then feeds the original thought and a cycle begins that can spiral out of control. The original thought can be insignificant and unnoticed but it is not the size or content that matters, the process is. (I am not a biologist and I never played one on TV either, I read this brain stuff somewhere)

The Apostle Paul said that we need to renew our minds with the washing of the water of the word so that we are solid in our foundation and strong in our faith. He knew there would be a war taking place for our mind and that every thought comes either from God, our soul or Satan and to win the battle we need to keep feeding our minds the scriptures. Satan knows this full well and has a keen knowledge of how our body and mind work and has been able to effectively hinder many believers ability to walk through life with consistency.

I have talked to many believers who are tired of the fight and ready to give up because they feel dry or empty and have for a very long time. They do not realize that they are not dry or empty, they are "thirsty and hungry". The spirit mirrors the body in many ways and nutrition is one of them. If a person goes without food and water long enough the body begins to shut down and the desire for nourishment fades, the same is true of our spirit.

The manipulation of our feelings and emotions is a powerful tool but not as powerful as the word. It takes discipline to get in the habit of feeding regularly and no one needs the same amount, but we all need some. We can become too "religious" about reading the word and neglect the quiet time for meditating on the word and listening for the Spirit to speak. There is an old saying I learned in Bible school; "too much of the word without the Spirit and you dry up and too much of the Spirit without the word and you blow up", there is a proper balance for each individual and it is important to find it and maintain it.

The way to experience life abundantly in the spirit is to find the right balance of diet for you and stick to it (snacks are always ok on this diet). When you feel something odd in your emotions take note of what thought went through your mind before it takes control of you and you control it. God created our emotions so it is always wise to listen to our feelings because sometimes they are how He communicates to us. (I need a snack) .

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