Friday, September 12, 2014

The One New Man

Revival on the scale God desires cannot happen unless or until Israel and the Jewish people are a part of it. We may continue to see small outbursts here and there like Brownsville or Toronto but that's all it will be is small outbursts. The waves we have seen over the past few years have been beneficial to the Kingdom but they have had limited impact on the world and have been only temporary outpourings.

If we are sincere in our desire to see the hand of God move in a lasting way then the Church must begin to earnestly pray for Israel to be grafted back into the Vine. It must not matter to us whether our individual congregations grow in size or not, what must take priority is Israel coming into her destiny. The "One New Man" Paul prophesied would be revealed depends solely on Israel accepting Jesus Christ as her Messiah and the Church openly receiving her.

If our motive is pure, we intercede for Israel and invest in those who are actively working to help her recognize Jesus as her Messiah we will experience revival in ways we could not dream. The promise we have is that if we bless Israel God will bless us.

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