Monday, December 22, 2014

My Fathers Heart

A few years ago while watching my father go through the process of dying I witnessed many of his medical procedures. This morning while walking outside in the dark one test he had came to my mind like a 3D movie. It was so clear and real that it startled me.

He had pneumonia and his doctors thought he might have fluid building up in the sack around his heart so they ordered a sonogram of his heart and lungs. As I watched the technician perform the test I saw my fathers heart in real time. I could see every blood vessel and every beat of his heart. The dye they put in his blood showed it being pumped through the chambers and out to his body. It was an amazing sight that I will never forget.

As the vision played out in my mind I asked the Lord why He brought that experience to my mind and what He wanted me to do with it. As suddenly as I asked He spoke and said "Pray that you will be able to see My heart as clearly as you saw your natural fathers heart as you face the future."

I believe what I saw and what the Lord spoke is a "word" we are all going to need in the days ahead. If you, like me and my family, are facing difficulties in this world pray that through it all we will "see" the heart of God as it beats strong and healthy while pumping life and love to the entire body. We are Our beloveds and His love is always toward us.........

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