Thursday, July 3, 2014

Border Crisis

If you, like me, watch a lot of Fox News Channel you undoubtedly have been hearing about the mass migration (invasion) through our southern border. The numbers range from 20 to 50 thousand children that have made their way from Central America through Mexico with the aid of drug cartels and human traffickers.

 I do not believe for a minute that this invasion is anything but another planned distraction from the IRS, Benghazi and a dozen other scandals within this administration. No one will convince me that this mass influx of children "just happened" and caught the administration by surprise like all the other scandals (sarcasm is intended on that last statement)

The pundits are all talking about what is wrong with our "Broken Immigration system" and saying we need some kind of new immigration policy. If you are leaning toward the Progressive side you are arguing for "Comprehensive Immigration Reform". If you are leaning toward the GOP/Conservative side you are for closing the border before any legislation is written or passed. These are the only options they tell us there is to fix our ‘broken’ immigration system.

We cannot allow this ‘mild indoctrination’ of the public through the media to continue, we have laws and those laws must be enforced now. For the media pundits to put the immigration issue out to their viewers without the whole truth is nothing less than using propaganda to sway public opinion.     

Personally I disagree with both options, with the exception of my belief in closing the borders which is in agreement with the GOP/Conservative camp. In my opinion we need to militarize our southern border to completely shut it down immediately and permanently.

After securing the borders there should be no legislation that leads to a 'legal status', citizenship, guest worker or any other form of amnesty. Once our borders are secure and the flow of illegals has stopped we need to enforce the laws that are already on the books. If we do not enforce the laws we have now there is no reason to believe this administration, or any other administration of either party, will enforce a new set of laws or regulations.

 The children that are here now, including those who are sick and without their parents need to be cared for while we try to identify their home country. If we can find their immediate family who are here legally we should allow the kids to be with them (parents only). If the family is here illegally they should be deported with their children. If they have no family here we must put them on a plane back to their home country. If there is no way to find who they are or where they come from we must care for them and put them up for adoption.

The only way the border will be closed is by electing people who believe in America Exceptionalism, which is the reason these people are coming here, and who believe the Constitution is the supreme law of the land. Every Progressive who wants to draft more unenforceable laws is nothing more than a coward and should be run out of office.

We are a compassionate nation but we cannot be responsible for other countries troubles. Those who are fleeing their country to come here should be taking a stand in their own country instead of running away from it.  This country would not exist if those who were being persecuted ran away to hide from persecution.

 We should be involved with Central American nations helping them fight Communism and cartels but if the people are not willing to fight for their freedom they do not deserve to be free.

 I don’t mean to sound cold hearted but if we do not take a strong stand against illegal entry into the US we will lose this republic. Let us not forget all those who have come and are trying to come to America legally; forcing them to the back of the line to accommodate illegals is cold hearted and just plain wrong.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it……………

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