Friday, July 4, 2014

Restoration Of Liberty

2 Corinthians 3:17 (NLT)
"Now, the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, he gives freedom."

Today Americans celebrate Independence day, a day that our founders dreamed of and sacrificed their all for. Those early patriots, formerly known as 'Colonist' rallied together to take a stand for the gift God have given them; a land we call America.

The founders were believers and the majority were Bible scholars who understood the basic principles of freedom were found within the word of God.

It was the "Black Robe Regiment" who gathered the Colonist together and rallied them to fight against their oppressors. The Black Robe Regiment were the Church Pastors who understood the blessing God had given them to steward. They understood that liberty came only from God and that He had chosen this land called America to be a unique nation among nations.

The pastors were very clear that God would not endorse a war of aggression but that He would honor their efforts to protect the liberty He had given them. The pastors held the colonists to a very high standard telling them they must not take the first shot but once fired on they were to defend themselves.

Today we are witnessing the destruction of everything our founders fought and died for. We have allowed ungodly people to become the leaders of this great nation and we have stood by in relative silence as the minority of godless leaders have removed our God from the place of honor He so richly deserves in our society. The more honor we have removed from Him and the more we have allowed Him to be removed from society the less freedom/liberty we have.

Today as you celebrate the 4th of July remember the holiday's real name is "Independence Day" and teach your children/grandchildren why they are partying today. Then explain to them the importance of keeping the story of our founding alive.

It should be obvious to believers everywhere that as we have removed God from our country we have seen the liberty He brings leave with Him. The scripture is absolute truth and liberty comes from God, to restore the nation many of us enjoyed as children we must return to God.

A spiritual awakening and repentance is Americas only hope of escaping judgment, and restoring liberty can only be possible if the Spirit of the Lord is once again welcomed in every sector of our republic.

The body of Christ must rise to the call coming from the Spirit to proclaim liberty throughout the land and to preach the good news to a lost and dying nation. We must not continue in silence as our children's future removed by a very vocal minority who want to silence our right to speak the truth that it is God who birthed this republic and it is His Spirit that has sustained it thus far and it is that same Spirit that will restore our freedoms because "the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, he gives freedom."

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