Sunday, July 13, 2014

Mr. Obama and his Progressive friends, being among those who thirst for power, call the Constitution a document of negative liberties and I completely agree with them. Our founders had a thirst for power just as Mr. Obama and his Progressive 'Comrades' do and they also thought of the Constitution as a document of negative liberties.

  Progressives want to take control of our God given right to freedom of religion, speech, a free press and the right to peaceably assemble to speak our minds and demand to be heard but the founders document of negative liberties won’t allow them to do so. 

  Everything Progressive do is about gaining more control in the guise of being for the “children” or some phony minority. They feed economic, race, age and gender division while screaming there is no white America, no black America, and no gender different America, there is only America. They proclaim they are fighting for the poor and middle class while wining and dining with the very people they call the 1%ers who are causing America’s woes.

  Our founders were well aware of those who wanted to have control of the people, having been under the thumb of England for decades. Unlike Progressives they had a vicarious thirst for power, they wanted total control of governmental power to be in the hands of the people not an elite ruling class who didn’t/don’t know what it’s like to have to work for a living and survive from day to day.

  The first amendment was penned the way it was for a reason and we must be firm in protecting and exercising it. The press has sold its soul for access to the president for the purpose of ratings on their networks. They somehow do not realize that if they are successful at helping Progressives shut down freedom of religion, free speech and the right to assemble by peddling propaganda leading to legislation, that same legislation will be used to silence them as well because the only thing that separates them from the rest of us is a comma.

 Unfortunately many Americans have also sold their souls for a few “Obama Phones” and almost a year of welfare renamed unemployment extensions (I have the facts to prove it is welfare and not unemployment). Together the media and low information voters are little more than useful idiots to the very ones they are worshiping and they will suffer the same fate all useful idiots in the past have; viewing life from under the proverbial bus when they are no longer useful for the agenda.

 We are at a very precarious time in American history, a time Progressives have dreamed of for more than a century. If we are to survive the onslaught of Progressive ideology we are going to have to do all we can to educate those around us, it’s not going to be an easy task but we must try and we must not fail.

 There will come a time when the useful idiots will awaken to what Progressives have done to them and they will be angry and want revenge on them. It will be up to us to speak calm into the raging storm and that we must do. We have a duty to hold the Constitution up as the law of the land and the way of dealing with the treasonous actions of those who betrayed its trust. If we do not emulate President Lincoln and his “Malice toward none” (except the guilty) principle we will lose the republic and the entire Bill of Rights will become a footnote of failure in our nation’s history.

  As foolish and mislead as those who blindly follow this president are and have been, we must have compassion on them realizing that they were lead and manipulated by master propagandists and that “there but by the grace of God go I". We are going to need each other to reestablish the union, and just as President Lincoln refused to allow the demonization of the confederate army and its supporters, we must not demonize or reject those on the wrong side of history during this time.

 Pray for your nation and for our fellow Americans. Pray also that the Constitution will stand the test of time and that the wisdom and Divine inspiration behind it will prevail in the hearts and minds of all Americans. We will not fail if we do not give up…….

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