Thursday, July 24, 2014

The War In Gaza

"...He has shown his great power to his people by giving them the lands of other nations. All he does is just and good, and all his commandments are trustworthy...." Psalm 111 NLT

For those who believe that conquest is a new idea you need to think again. Those who use the term "Occupied territory" to define Israel's claim to the land are being mislead and need to look at things from this perspective. There is not a country in existence that did not come about by conquest through war. International law says that when an aggressor attacks and is defeated the land taken through that aggression is rightfully the property of the one who was originally attacked.

Israel has been being attacked for thousands of years but has only taken and kept the land needed to ensure her security and has given back land she conquered that was not necessary for that purpose. She took the Sinai Peninsula but returned it to Egypt and she gave Jordan the land along the Jordan River that is needed for farm land to feed her people. She has the legal right to evict Arabs from what is called the "West Bank" (Judea and Samaria), Jerusalem and East Jerusalem but has not done so. She allows Arab Muslims to freely live in peace on her rightful land and guarantees their safety and the right to participate in the governing of the nation.

In return for her peaceful attempts to allow Arab Muslims to live in a democratic society she gets in return missiles and suicide bombers. She has given up land to her enemies in return for the promise of peace but each time, with the exception of Egypt and Jordan, she gets stabbed in the back by radical members of the "Palestinian" people. When she removed her citizens from Gaza a few years ago and gave the Palestinians in Gaza the land she was promised peace but instead she got rockets again.

Today she is under attack again by the 'democratically elected' Hamas, a designated terror organization, and the UN along with many nations including the US are blaming the deaths in Gaza on her and demanding another cease fire even though Hamas has openly stated their goal is the annihilation of the Jewish people.

Israel is acting as humanely as she possibly can to ensure there are no 'civilian' casualties but when Hamas uses them for shields, that is impossible. Hamas has and is hiding and firing missiles from schools, hospitals and Mosques so that Israel will not bomb them, but they must. Israel goes to extremes to warn civilians to leave the areas she is about to bomb but Hamas tells them to stay there and some reports indicate that they force them to remain so that they can use the dead bodies of women and children as propaganda photo ops against Israel.

Hamas is a manifestation of evil and must be destroyed or they will continue to murder innocent civilians. Israel should not have to live under the constant fear of terrorists coming through tunnels to kidnap or murder her people or to be under the constant threat of missiles being launched at them. They have never been the aggressor and always seeks to find a peaceful resolution, but there comes a time when enough is enough and I believe that time is now.

Israel must not stop her efforts to eliminate the threat posed by Hamas regardless of international pressures. She must continue to hunt down Hamas and their tunnels and rockets and completely destroy them or she will be back where she was before the latest aggression by Hamas began.

I stand with Israel and fully support her war against Hamas. Those who call her actions for retaliating against Hamas forget what happened to Germany when they attacked England in WWll or what was done to Japan when the US dropped two nukes on them. Allied forces leveled entire cities in Germany killing hundreds of thousands of civilians and the same was done to Japan for their aggressions.

"War is hell" and innocent people die, but sometimes it is necessary to stop evil from taking control and spreading. The conflict in Gaza is a war that Israel must fight and win at any cost or she will face more unprovoked attacks resulting in innocent civilian deaths. It will be ugly but it must be done and done now. No one except Hamas wants innocent people to die but it is inevitable under the current circumstances. If those nations that oppose the war in Gaza really wanted a humane end to the war they would support Israel and help eliminate the source of aggressions and defund Hamas and report the real story accurately. That being said don't hold your breath waiting for it to happen. Pray for Israel to be victorious over the evils of Islam.

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