Tuesday, July 8, 2014

We have seen how this administration works and I must confess I am very worried about what is going on in the other hand as we are being distracted by the newest "shiny thing" being covered by the press.

The invasion/crisis on our southern border is distracting from the IRS Scandal and the IRS scandal was distracting from the NSA scandal which was distracting us from Benghazi, Fast and Furious and a dozen other illegal actions by this government.

While it is critical to keep the heat on our representatives to continue pursuing the IRS, the southern border and all the other scandals the thing that worries me more than the distractions here on our soil is the rise of Fundamental Islam's new country, the Caliphate that used to be called Iraq and Syria. I have been sounding the alarm about the threat Islam is to America and the obvious (to me at least) alliance Obama has to Sunni Islamists, the ones who are cutting off heads, doing public crucifixions and making men dig their own graves and then killing them.

Obama is feeling the pressure from Americans and like an animal that is cornered he will strike out to preserve his political life. Progressives have been trying to make the political right become violent and they could easily succeeded with the help of his Islamic friends.

If we act out in violence it will give him the justification to come down hard possibly to the point of declaring marshal law. But if we see the kind of attacks by Muslims that England has and what is happening in Iraq and Syria then patriots will arise and fight them. We are being set up for an (un)civil war that Progressives has been praying for since the beginning of the 20th century.

We are in deep trouble America, very deep trouble.

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