Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Solution To Americas Problems

The 'political solution' to mass murder is more gun control. The solution to the murders in Benghazi is an "investigation" so politicians can enact more rules and regulations so it never happens again. The solution to the invasion of our southern border is for our politicians to draft and pass more legislation so we can "reform" our immigration policy and find a way to 'legalize' millions of "Illegal" border crossers.

Is it just me or does anyone else think the problem is not drafting and passing new laws and regulations but to enforce the ones already on the books. I may be alone in this, but I have NO confidence that the people in Washington DC will enforce their new laws any better than the ones they have passed in the past.

I believe the real 'political solution' is to not be looking for a "Political" solution. The only real solution to Americas problem is changing the resident politicians in Washington DC. Americas most pressing problem is "Politics" and I for one am tired of party politics and politicians who do not want solutions to our problems instead they want fodder to keep the other guy looking bad so they can attain reelection.

Both parties are using fabricated political crisis's the same way Arab nations are using "Palestinians"; not to help them live peaceful and prosperous lives but to use them as 'political pawns' to destroy their enemy so they can remain in power and control the populace.

Enough is enough we need to throw them all out.

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