Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I hate Islam with a passion. Today it was reported that a group of Fundamental Muslims in Nigeria attacked a school in the predawn and set the building on fire while the students were sleeping. Early reports were that members of the Islamic group 'Boko Haram' killed 29 students but an updated story by CBS news shows the number of dead students to be 59 . Witnesses said that the group of Muslims set the building on fire and waited for students to try to flee through the windows and shot them and slit their throats as they tried to escape the burning building. My heart breaks for the families of these children, all of which were teenage boys.

Islam must be treated like the cancer it is and wiped off the face of the earth. We have an unknown number of Fundamental Muslims in America planning to take control of the republic through their usual method of 'Civilization Jihad' and we are unable to do a thing about it. Our children will see the day when Islamists attack and brutally murder innocent people here in America for no logical reason again (9/11/2001). We will have to explain to our kids that we allowed Muslims to use our own laws against us because we valued political correctness more than their safety.
 I will stand and speak out against the demonic disease known as Islam as long as I have breath in my lungs. When my grandchildren ask how this happened I will not have to tell them that I was part of the problem, I will tell them that I fought with all I had but few listened.
 We must find a way to awaken our leaders to the threat they are allowing to grow and indoctrinate society in Shariah. I encourage everyone to Google search "The Project, The Muslim Brotherhood" and when you see what Islam has in store for America and how far they have progressed with their strategy tell others. There is not much time left to stop the scourge of evil that is Islam!

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