Monday, February 17, 2014

  I have no confidence or respect for Karl Rove but I watched him take down a Progressive ex-governor last night using   the opposite tactic Progressives use against conservatives; truth. 
 The ex-governor (D Ohio) was verbally stumbling while being caught in a lie about his office investigating and attacking "Joe the Plumber" by releasing his private tax documents. Rove was defending Chris Christy (who I see as a Progressive plant and would not support) with facts the ex-governor was unprepared to defend. I believe he was unprepared to defend against the truth because no one has had the courage to confront progressives with irrefutable facts before. The Governor tried to say Rove's facts were wrong but because Rove refused to retreat he ended up admitting that 'Joe the Plumbers' records were released but that he had nothing to do with it (of course not).
  Rove's confrontation of the governor's propaganda on national TV caught the Progressive off guard and his stammering response made it obvious to viewers that he was lying to them. It is time for conservatives (Tea Party) to speak boldly and powerfully in public settings about Progressive tactics exposing them for who and what the are.
Progressives in both parties are masters of propaganda and they know that most Americans are only casual observers of the political process, so they will do and say vile things to pass their agenda because they know there are only a few people who will do the fact checking on their claims.
 Senator Rand Paul recently spoke truth about Bill Clinton being a sexual predator using facts of the Monica Lewinsky incident(s) which has political pundits saying he crossed the line and should not bring up the Clintons past, I disagree strongly. Progressives have gotten away with rewriting history for far too long and they must be confronted as soon as the words leave their mouths.
  It is because Progressives have gone unchecked on their facts that the majority of Americans believe things like; Rev. Martin Luther King was a Democrat, he was not, he was a registered Republican and NRA member, Planned Parenthood was founded to help women and children, it was not, it was started by Margret Sanger for the sole purpose of eliminating blacks and the handicapped. 
 Tea Party Conservatives must not stoop to Progressive tactics, they must stand solely on the truth. Truth will always defeat lies when spoken immediately and directly to the one speaking lies. 
 Average people, and especially Americans, are offended when they discover they have been deceived with propaganda, but they will respond to truth in a positive manner. We must all strive to speak truth to power and stand boldly and expose propaganda wherever it is found.

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