Saturday, February 22, 2014

"Some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a sleeping mat. They tried to push through the crowd to Jesus, but they couldn't reach him. So they went up to the roof, took off some tiles, and lowered the sick man down into the crowd, still on his mat, right in front of Jesus. Seeing their faith, Jesus said to the man, "Son, your sins are forgiven."

Sometimes when a person is "immobilized", whether physically or spiritually, they are unable to go to the Lord for help themselves. When our friends are suffering it is our responsibility to 'take' them to the Lord if they can't get there themselves.

In the scripture above Jesus said it was sin that had paralyzed the man so he couldn't get to Him by himself. It is important to notice that the scripture says "Seeing 'THEIR' faith". It was not his faith but their faith that got Jesus to heal him.

Many times we are too quick to abandon the 'paralyzed' thinking they don't have enough faith to be healed or set free from sin. When Lazarus was raised from the dead he had no faith. When the young man fell out the window while Paul was preaching he had no faith. In both of these cases it was not the faith of the person in need but the faith of another that got them delivered.

When you know someone is trapped by sin don't judge them or abandon them, instead get some other believers to help you pick him and his mat up and take him to the roof top and tear the roof apart if that is what it takes. Do everything you possibly can to help that person find the deliverance that can only come from Jesus. (Gal. 6:1-2)

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