Thursday, February 13, 2014

  The following is my latest letter to my state representative. Every citizen should be writing a similar letter to their representatives. If people remain silent in the face of tyranny we will die cowards and condemn posterity to enslavement to an elite ruling class. Anyone with even a small grasp of history should be able to see that we are following the same path that Germany went down before the rise of the "National Socialist Party" (Hitler's Nazi Party).
  You can set back and call me an alarmist if you want to, but we have a resident evil in the halls of Congress and a wannabe dictator in the White House who is ignoring the Constitution daily. He has allowed government agencies to intimidate his opponents, covered up murders, sanctioned the killing of American citizens without being charged with a crime, lied to pass legislation, lied about knowing of NSA spying and dozens of other unconstitutional acts that violate his oath of office.
 We have the responsibility to take some kind of action against our corrupt governing officials. Any citizen who took an oath upon entering the military or public office must honor that oath by taking a stand. There is NO EXPIRATION date attached to the oath you took! Either take some action to stop this tyranny or admit being complicit with the traitors;
 How long will you and the other "conservative" legislators in Albany allow New Yorkers to be subjected to the tyranny coming from Washington before you begin to at least start to float the idea of joining other states in a convention of states?
The following is from an article I read while trying to find a way to stop the federal government from stripping our liberties on little chip at a time. 
  We are suffering in this country and state and someone with a voice needs to at "Least" speak out for those of us who are at the bottom of the proverbial ladder.
  Most other societies would either accept this fate, that is the people as subjects, with no recourse whatsoever or there’d be a violent revolution or civil war. George Mason knew this. The Framers of the Constitution knew this. They discussed this in Philadelphia, two days before the end of the Constitutional Convention. They’d been through the ringer. They fought a revolution. Because there was no recourse.
"It’s time for our state legislatures to act. It’s time for our state legislators to step up. They have a duty, an affirmative duty under the federal Constitution, under Article Five and the Tenth Amendment, to act!
We must stop thinking like hopeless victims, ‘whoa is me’, going over and over again ‘what can we do, what can we do’. And yet our mindset, our American spirit in fact in many respects, has been conquered by the progressive left, by the Statists over the last 100 years. We’ve been indoctrinated to believe that there is no recourse, that the federal government is the beginning and the end. And it’s NEITHER.
We honor and revere the Framers, do we not? Well then it’s time to think like them.
It’s time to comprehend our heritage.
It’s time to understand that a top-down centralized authoritarian system, tyranny, where federal officials continue to seize power from you, the people, is illegitimate. Under our Constitution, it is illegitimate.
It is time to understand that we do not have to accept a lawless imperial president even if the rest of the federal government and federal branches do.
It is time to understand that we do not have to accept decisions by a Supreme Court, imposing policy, social cultural decisions on top of us. That may be the opinion of five justices but so what?
It’s time to understand that we need not accept Congress passing laws on endless matters that it has no powers to legislate about. Article One isn’t a grab bag for Congress to do whatever it wants.
And it’s time to understand we’re not required to accept the mandates issued by a massive bureaucracy, a permanent fourth branch of the federal government, which does not respond to electoral results or the will of the people.
Obama says he has a pen and a phone. Well I tell you what. We have Article Five. And it’s in the Constitution."
 Please show your constituents that you know we are concerned about our plight under the current Progressive administrations oppressive grip.
Rev. Robert Seymour

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