Monday, February 3, 2014

I understand that one has to respect the office of the presidency but to allow the occupant of that office to dodge and lie to you when you are interviewing him on live TV is not respecting the office of the Presidency it is disrespecting the people he is supposed to be serving.
  When Bill O'Reilly asked Obama why he had to fundamentally transform America he went off on some twisted line of bull that ignored the fact that not only did he come from nothing to being the 'most powerful' man on the planet but he did it using the system he insists must be changed. Bill let him pretty much let him skate on that issue.
  Bill also let him off on the Benghazi issue. Again, I understand the respect issue but to let him say that he called the Benghazi attack an act of terror from the beginning was just wrong. Not bringing up the fact that he and Hillary made an apology video and paid to have it aired on TV across the Muslim world and the fact that he stood in front of the world at the UN and continued to promote the lie that the video was the cause of the murders, and Susan Rice going on several Sunday talk shows was pretty poor journalism.
  Letting him get away with saying there was not even a "smidgen" of corruption in the IRS targeting of Tea Party types was also an outrage. This issue should be one that Bill hammered the snot out of him on because every American is going to be affected by IRS targeting as soon as the ACA is in full swing.
  No American with half a brain was fooled by the president's constant dodging and outright lies but there are millions who saw this interview who are as clueless as lemmings and will take Obama's words as truth which will help Progressives promote their agenda of portraying conservatives as 'scandal mongers' who are hell bent on destroying Obama.
  Over all I felt like the interview did more to harm voters than good. Those who are aware of who and what Obama is had our assumptions reaffirmed but those who are out of touch low information voters were left with the impression that Obama is being badgered by the right.
  It is way past time for Fox News and Bill O'Reilly to stop giving this President, and Progressives in general, the benefit of the doubt and start calling for full and independent investigations of every obvious scandal this administration is involved with. The founders intended for the press to hold government accountable to the people and it is time for "We The People" to demand that the news media do it's job and speak truth to power.

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