Thursday, February 27, 2014

Nixon's Apology 2/27/2014

  My favorite 'witness' before Congress on the IRS scandal, Lois Learner has been ordered to come back to testify again. Her attorney has said he will not allow her to testify and asked that she not be forced to return to sit before the committee and give her plea of the 5th amendment because it would be a waste of time and an embarrassment. The attorney said the only way she would testify is if she is given immunity because, according to the attorney,  she has been receiving "death threats".
 So why do you suppose someone would be wanting her dead if there is not a "Smidgen" of criminal activity involved in the IRS targeting of conservative groups? The only rational reason I could think of for someone wanting to kill Ms. Learner over the IRS scandal would be if Hillary or Bill were involved because a lot of people who could have brought them down ended up dead. But then again there are also a lot of Navy SEALS that could have testified against Obama that are dead too, so maybe it is just part of being involved with or being used by Progressives that gets you killed. I would not be surprised if Ms. Learner ends up like the lady who 'certified' Obama's birth certificate, she died in a plane crash when everyone else survived.
 Before she testified the first time Ms. Lerner made and unequivocal statement of her innocence saying she had done nothing wrong or illegal. In my mind if someone is innocent there should be no need to ask for immunity. If it were up to me I would force her to come and if she refused to testify I would charge her with contempt and throw her butt in jail until she changed her mind or died of old age. If she did break the law (which a lot of evidence says she did) I would charge her with perjury and sentence her to the maximum penalty allowed by law.

I would not stop with her, I would subpoena ALL records and prosecute every last one of those involved until the corrupt originator (Obama) is impeached and imprisoned. This is among the worst abuses of power in modern history and those responsible must be made an example of. If we do not prosecute this President and his administration then we owe a "National apology to Richard Nixon".
   The saga continues.......

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