Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Convention of States


  Everything that is happening in the federal government is about control and what we witnessed last week in Nevada exposed the seriousness of the situation. The federal government illegally "Owns" 30% of all lands in America which is a violation of our founder’s intent for this republic. The American Revolution was fought to protect individual rights, which consists of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness which includes the right to own property. The time to act on taking back control from Progressives is now.

  I believe we must put pressure on our state representatives to join the movement to hold a "Convention of States" before we find ourselves at the mercy of nations like China, Russia and many Islamic nations that own our national debt. If, rather when, the Fed raises interest rates we will be unable to pay the interest on our national debt and nations who own our debt will demand payment. When those nations demand payment the feds will be forced to surrender the mineral rich lands We The People used to own. I believe those who are controlling our government think they can act in an unconstitutional way and go unchecked because the people are too stupid to understand what they are doing and have done. We must show them how wrong they are and take back our republic.

  When the federal government stormed the Bundy Ranch with a heavily armed 200 man army last week it showed the extent of the danger we face. Those who went to stand with the Bundy family were called “Domestic Terrorists” by the leader of the United States Senate and he went unchallenged by anyone from either party.

  The arrogance of the federal government is frightening to all who understand that the government is supposed to be the caretakers of the republic, working to preserve the nation for posterity. What was exposed last week was a government that has assumed the position of an elite, arrogant and narcissistic ruling class.

 When the employee (politicians) takes control from the employer (We The People) the employer must take action to remove the employee from the corporate office. We saw a similar situation in the 1960’s and 1970’s when students took control of universities. The universities had to bring in law enforcement to remove students from the administrators offices. The difference in what we face now and what happened then is we have been absent in the governing process and elected those who have taken control of our offices.

   We must call in law enforcement to remove out of control politicians who have taken control of our administrative offices and are making unconstitutional and oppressive demands on the rightful administrators of the republic; the American citizens.

  Our founders saw the situation we are in now and they provided a way for us to regain control, but it will mean a show of determination from individual states. We must contact our state assemblymen and demand that they recognize the crisis we are in. We must demand, through our state governments, that the feds return the land to the public and rescind all unconstitutional actions they have taken and take every action necessary to eliminate the national debt and return all property to its rightful owners, the states.

  We cannot delay taking action or we will lose our republic and become not only ‘indentured’ servants to foreign nations but a disgrace to the principles and founders of this great republic.

  We have enough natural resources to not only pay off our debt but to become energy independent as well. We do not need to, nor should we, be funding nations that have our destruction as a goal. We could effectively force nations who hold us hostage to come to the United States for assistance which would give us the ability to influence the spread of self-governing. Congress and the President (past as well as present) have placed us in the situation we are in and we must end this madness now!  

  Contact your state senators and assemblymen today and tell them to join the push for a Convention of States. Don’t take no for an answer, demand action. If we show the feds that we as states are willing to stand against them by taking this constitutional step it will get their attention and force them to act. If they resist then we must push forward and take power from them, there is nothing they can do to stop a Convention of States, it trumps all federal law and all branches of government. Please join me today and contact your reps!

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