Friday, April 4, 2014

“Every Detail”

"The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand."

 There are things on the horizon that will challenge our current way of life and each of us will be affected by events that are soon to take place. We are about to see the fulfillment prophecy from scripture and from those in the prophetic community that predict national judgments.

  The scripture passage above is for each of us and each of us must believe with our whole being that not only has God given us the faith and the grace to believe Him for our salvation but that He has also provided everything we need to walk through the valley we are entering.

  In this passage He promises that if we are living Godly lives He will lead us. To be lead spiritually is difficult for many because we have that "Thomas" gene in us that produces doubt, and that is ok, God understands. He did not get angry with Thomas for doubting His resurrection He instead showed Thomas the evidence he needed to believe in the miraculous.

 The Psalm says that He will direct our "steps", it does not say it will light up our highway and put us on cruise control. If we will use what little or great faith we have to trust that God is not surprised by anything that comes into our lives and that He has a plan to get us through it or out of it we will see His hand at work producing miracles that will advance His Kingdom in and through us.

  This passage also says that He delights in "Every Detail" of our lives. How incredible is that?! To think that the creator of the universe is excited to be a part of our everyday life is something beyond comprehension but it is true.

  He does not enjoy seeing His children suffer any more than any human parent does but He knows that because of the fall of man pain is now a part of the human experience. Just as He provided us a way to be redeemed from the fall He has provided us a way through the trials and pains associated with life if we will trust Him.

 He says that He has us by the hand and even though we may stumble He will not let us fall. He understands that we have that "Thomas" gene which makes us unsure in our walk at times but He is not focused on our self-doubt, He is focused on our potential. He sees beyond our current state and leads us to things that will strengthen our weaknesses and grow our faith in Him.

When I picture Him holding my hand I am reminded of how my mother taught her children to walk and never got discouraged because she was convinced we could do it.

  She would have us hold her index fingers as we waddled along unsteady and stumbling along until she thought sure we were ready to begin to walk on our own. When she knew we were close to being able to go out on our own she would replace her fingers with clothes pins. She would still bend over us and walk above us while telling us that we could do it in a way only a parent can do.

 As she walked along with us she would loosen he grip on the clothes pins until we were walking on our own. When we realized she no longer had a direct hold on us fear and doubt would startle us and we would fall but mom would rush in with obvious joy and a smile that sparked courage and the desire to do it again and again until we succeeded.

  I think God is about to loosen His grip on the 'clothes pins' and let us begin to walk on our own. He will never leave us if we stumble, He will be quick to grab our hand and stabilize us. He wants us to grow strong in our faith and trust Him to lead us.

 The scriptures tell us that the ‘joy of the Lord is our strength’. Just like when mom would get all excited and show us how proud she was of us for each stumbling step we took on our own and how her joy and expressions of faith in our potential gave us the courage and strength to keep trying, the same is true with our Father.

  When we trust Gods leading and do not allow the fear of falling stop us from trying He will show us His joy and that joy is what encourages us to not give up which brings Glory to Him and advances His Kingdom. It is His Kingdom that must be our goal because the focus of His heart is lost souls and our potential to reach them with His love.

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