Monday, April 21, 2014

The Real War

  There is a spiritual battle taking place that we must be aware of. The battle is for control of thought with the end result the destruction of the State of Israel and the elimination of the Jew and Christian.

  There are two groups that are on the front lines in this war against western thought. The first group is Islam which consists of two primary sects; Sunni and Shia. Their purpose is to destroy Israel and to re-establish their Caliphate which was dismantled in the early the 20th century.

  The Sunni faction of Islam believes in a literal and physical manifestation of a Caliphate with their leaders in ruling positions while Shias believe in a ‘Spiritual’ manifestation which will be ushered in by a global state of chaos and the return of the 12th Imam who will be the ruling authority.

  The conflict between these two sects is coming to a head in Syria’s ‘civil war’. Assad is aligned with Iran, the Shia, while the so-called rebels are aligned with the Sunni’s primary and most prominent faction, the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood is the parent organization of nearly every terrorist entity in existence today, including but not limited to Al Qaeda. Their battle for control is, I believe, reflective of the chaos taking place in the heavenly realm and the outcome will affect world stability, financially and militarily.

  The second group are those who I would label as Progressives, who coincidentally have gained control both of America’s political parties. Like Islam these two groups have the same goal; control.

  Progressives within the Democratic Party want to make a global utopia with America on a ‘level’ playing field with the rest of the world; this would explain their ‘open border’ policies and their forcing of “Obamacare” on Americans against our will. They believe that America should be brought down to the same economic standard as every other nation. Though they desire ‘the people’ to experience ‘economic justice’ they would preclude themselves from that equation because of course they are more enlightened than the average working man and therefore are above such mandates.

  Progressives in the Republican Party also want to control America and to have every other nation equal with her while they have a controlling role in governing global affairs.

 The difference with Progressives in the Republican Party is that they desire to bring other nations up to our level of prosperity by forcing democracy on the rest of the world. They believe they can build a democratic utopia by ‘winning the hearts and minds of people’. They believe this can be accomplished by destroying their ‘enemies’ for them and showing them that democracy is the answer to their struggles.

  The fight between Progressives is no different than the battles between Sunni and Shia; both have the same goal of control but disagree with who will be the ruling authority or how their particular utopia will become a reality.

  Islamists of both sects and Progressives in both parties are dogmatic in their opinion on governing but neither are aware that they are wrong and are only pawns in the spiritual battle of the ages; good vs. evil.

  While Islam acknowledges the existence of ‘a god’ they are incapable of understanding the human spirit which was created to be in relationship with God. Progressives will say they believe in ‘a god’ but like Islamists their actions prove they have no idea who the one true God is.

  Neither Islam nor Progressivism has come to grips with the word of God as King Solomon recorded it in Ecclesiastes 3:11; ‘God has put eternity in the heart of man’. It is only God who can change the heart of man and bring order to the world. Islamist and Progressives believe they can legislate peace by mandating that the human spirit comply with their ideology. The struggles within both groups will only lead to more conflict and division in the world.

  My point in trying to shed light on what is taking place in the world today is to cause those who might read this to understand that the struggles we are seeing are as old as time and will not be solved by any amount of human effort. Peace is only achievable when man is at peace within himself and with his neighbor.

    If you believe, as I do, that peace within man was lost when he fell from grace through sin, then the only way to regain peace is to restore man’s relationship with God.

 Both groups I spoke of are struggling to achieve the same goal; the success of their mission and to be in position of control. Both believe success is defeating the other and acquiring the spoils of war for their own benefit.

  Contrary to popular belief success is not winning an argument, defeating a foe or the acquisition of ‘stuff’. The true definition of success is the “Fulfillment of Original Purpose” while simultaneously training and equipping a successor to carry on your mission. Every human being has the same primary purpose of being in relationship with his creator and unless and until man comes to that realization and pursues that end there will be no peace in the world.

   The cure for the wars and rumors of war in the world is not an ideology or a political system or any combination thereof. It is not something that can be legislated or forced on man. The cure is for man to acknowledge that he is a created being among other created beings with the distinction of being the only member of creation with whom God desires a personal and intimate relationship.

 SAVING AMERICA is not our primary goal but it is crucial to bringing THE truth to the nations. Islam and Progressivism are determined to bring America down because they see her as the only obstacle that can prevent them from destroying the state of Israel and annihilating Jews and Christians.

  Our individual mandate as American citizens, and more importantly as human beings who are created in the image of God, is to stand against those who seek to divide, control and conquer humanity with force and to show by example what success is.

  Those who wish to destroy us have made great leaps toward their goal by dividing us along racial and economic lines. To counter these attacks we must not react but rather respond to them by speaking truth and by using the assets we have been blessed with to support the efforts of those working to unite not divide. We must prove that we are not what we are being painted as by reaching out to those in need. Truth will prevail and those who continue to sow division will eventually find themselves hanging on their own gallows.  

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