Thursday, April 3, 2014

Muslim Or Progressive ?


  Former Deputy Director of the CIA Mike Morell testified under oath before Congress that he changed the talking points about the Benghazi attack because he was concerned about the fact that we were dealing with fundamental Islamists all around the world and the last thing he wanted to do was to ‘stir up’ more extreme outbreaks among those fundamentalists. It is an insult to the intelligence of everyone who knows anything about the way wars are run and enemies are defeated to believe what this man said. It is impossible to defeat an enemy if you cannot or if you refuse to identify him or his methods or if you refuse to inform those on the battlefield who they are fighting.

  In my mind there is no doubt that Morell lied to Congress in his testimony. In his opening statement he said that those he has talked to around the country have emphasized that politics should be left out of the discussion and investigation of the Benghazi attack, which was a Progressive ‘Jedi’ maneuver to preemptively place guilt on any mention of or alluding to political motives among Republicans on the investigating committee.

  To anyone who understands who Progressives are and how they operate there is no reason to believe there was anything but a political motive behind the decision to remove all references to Islam form the narrative in their ‘official’ report. This administration is a classic portrayal of Progressive’s Chicago politics and every word and action they make is politically oriented.

  As has been the case with every crisis, manufactured or otherwise, Progressives are quick to exploit it and spin it in such a way as to further their agenda of control, and Benghazi is no exception. The only possible difference with the Benghazi incident is the fact that they were about to get caught in an illegal arms deal with Syrian rebels and they had to use the distraction of the murders to divert attention from that.

  To believe that the Obama presidential campaign slogan “Osama Bin Laden is dead and GM is alive” played no role in the spin and subsequent cover-up of Benghazi is naive at best. Mr. Morell did what he did to cover for President Obama plain and simple. It is worth noting that Mr. Morell is now working for one of Obama’s most ardent supporters, CBS “News”; which is his reward for loyalty to the Progressive hierarchy.

   I believe that there is a secondary reason for the removal of references to Islam from the report, that being (P)resident Obama is a strong advocate for Islam. He has clearly shown his allegiance to Sunni Islam by sending billions of American tax dollars and modern weapons of war to support the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and by his many speeches before foreign bodies in which he has repeatedly apologized for America and praised Islam’s contributions to society.

  The second reason for scrubbing Islam from the report is twofold; first, Progressives are using fundamental Islamists to achieve their goal of control by facilitating Islamic terror attacks which will provide an excuse to further erode our liberties. I believe that fundamental Islamists are doing the same thing with Progressives and when the time arrives that one or the other no longer deems the other necessary to their cause they will turn on them and anyone near either group will suffer the consequences all useful idiots have.    

   It cannot be stated too strongly that this president is a threat to national security if only because of his incompetence. We are all aware of the dozens of scandals plaguing this administration and equally obvious are the extremes taken to blame others or to cover up any blame to themselves. I do not for a second believe that incompetence can cover all that is happening to America through this administration. I believe there is a concerted effort to destroy America as we know it and to help Islam gain an irreversible stranglehold on western civilization.

  The more I research the actions of this (P)resident, the more convinced I am that he is a Muslim Manchurian President. I believe he understands fully who and what Progressives are and how to manipulate them to his advantage. The evidence of his allegiance to Islam is undeniable. His ending of the manned space program and directing NASA to focus on finding ways to make Muslims ‘feel’ good about their contributions to science, his virtual non-attendance to any church service during his time in office, his refusal to acknowledge or make a proclamation for the National Day of Prayer, his many Iftar dinners at the White House with known Muslim Brotherhood terrorists, his constant attacks on religious freedoms of Christians and silence concerning the slaughter of tens of thousands of them by Muslims while at the same time saying that the future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam is more than enough evidence to convince me of his real intention.

    It is imperative that we expose as much about the corruption and treasonous activities taking place through this president and those who support him as we can. It is equally important that we continue to do the same to Progressivism and Progressives, but we cannot stop there. We must become more politically activated than we have ever been and we must use every avenue we have to educate the people in our sphere of influence. 

  If we cop the same attitude many did during the last election cycle and give up hope we will be helping both Progressives and Islamists. Even if, God forbid, we end up with a less than favorable candidate for the Republican ticket we still have to vote for him/her. We must remember that it has taken more than a hundred years to get where we are and it may take several years to turn America around. I believe if we fight hard enough and put our time and money behind the right candidates during the primaries we will have the right person, but we must do all we can to let the establishment GOP know that we are the “Tea Party” and we are serious about returning to the Constitution. If we do not get the GOP’s attention this year then look for and support a third party for 2016. 

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