Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Lois Lerner's Immunity

  As much as I would like to see Lois Lerner in prison it is obvious that it is not going to happen. It is also obvious that if Republicans continue to go down the path of holding her in contempt of Congress we will never get to the bottom of this whole IRS scandal. If she is put in contempt it is up to Holder to investigate her involvement and that will go nowhere fast.

  She has been brought before Congress twice with the same result; silence. She said she would testify then changed her mind because, according to her attorney, she was getting death threats and would be murdered if she testified. Her attorney said the only way she would testify is if she is given immunity because of those "death threats".

 So why do you suppose someone would be wanting her dead if there is not, according to the president, a "Smidgen" of criminal activity involved in the IRS targeting of conservative groups? The only rational reason I could think of for someone wanting to kill Ms. Learner over the IRS scandal would be if Hillary or Bill Clinton were involved as evidenced by the number of dead people in their history. But then again there are also a lot of Navy SEALS that could have testified against Obama that are dead too, so maybe it is just part of being involved with or being used by Progressives that gets you killed. I would not be surprised if Ms. Learner ends up like the lady who 'certified' Obama's birth certificate; she died in a plane crash in which everyone else survived.

 Before she took the 5th at her first appearance before Congress Ms. Lerner made and unequivocal statement of her innocence saying she had done nothing wrong or illegal. In my mind if someone is innocent there should be no need to ask for immunity. That being said if she is not given immunity and forced to testify she will receive nothing for her part in the IRS scandal except her fat pension. If she were to be charged and imprisoned Obama would not hesitate to give her a ‘Presidential Pardon’ and the IRS will continue to abuse its power.

  In my view she has to be given immunity if we are going to get to the bottom (I believe it goes to the top) of this crap. When she is done testifying every effort should be made to force Speaker Boehner to appoint a select committee and a special prosecutor with subpoena powers. If Holder interferes with the process he should be held in contempt again and impeachment proceedings should be started immediately.   

  I am so angry and frustrated by the mess we have allowed to happen because of our noninvolvement in government that I just want to scream. We must rise up and get involved now or this republic is finished and Progressives will enslave our children.

 This administration is guilty of the worst abuses of power in modern history and those responsible must be made an example of. If we do not prosecute this President and his administration then we owe a "National Apology” to Richard Nixon. The future of the nation is not looking good and it may already be too late to turn it around but if we are destroyed from within it must not be because we remained silent.  

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