Monday, October 28, 2013

I was pleased to see that CBS was doing a story on the attack and murders in Benghazi last year because the only other news media reporting the story with any real reach was Fox News. Sadly though, during the entire 30 minute story there was NO mention of Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice or President Obama. They managed to get a lot of the facts about the attack out to the people who will never watch F...ox News but they fell far short of telling the "Whole" truth. I will admit that I am not shocked by their continued covering up for Progressives but at some point they have to wake up and see that they are only helping to destroy the very system of government that guarantees that they have the freedom to report the news with no fear of reprisal from it.
I wish I knew people who watched CBS so I could tell them the rest of that story and how CBS and the rest of the mainstream media outlets are working together with Progressives to perpetrate a remake of history so that freedom of speech and individual liberty will no longer be able to stop them from controlling the world will and insure them positions of authority over the people.
Facebook, letters to the editor in my local paper, occasionally the Church Pulpit and my web blog are the only venues I have to get my voice heard and I will continue to use those venues as long as I have breath in my lungs because truth is still the only thing that will set people free.
America has always been about making, or at least giving people an opportunity to be free from tyranny and I believe it is the destiny God had and still has for this republic. I hope there are others who will join me in this fight to destroy Progressivism and promote individual liberty for all, but if not I will stand or hang alone if necessary because posterity demands my effort and if I don't do all I can as an individual then I cannot truly experience any form of life beyond existence and I cannot and will not settle for anything less than life and life abundantly.

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