Friday, October 4, 2013

In studying today I saw an interesting thing that was confirmed by a comment a gentleman made on something I had written about Christian involvement in government.
When the LORD called Moses to free the children Of Israel he did not send him to preach to them. He told Moses He had heard the cries of His people and He was going to send him to deliver them from Egyptian oppression and slavery.
The LORD sent Moses to the king of Egypt to demand that the people be released. So Moses went and confronted the king face to face and demanded the release of Gods people.
You all know the story of how it ended up, they all got away, entered the "Promise land" and lived happily ever after, right? No not exactly... All but two were killed while wondering in the wilderness.
Spies were sent into the land and came back and said it was not possible to win any fight with the "Giants" in the land, all but two anyway. Only two wanted to do what God had told them to do so because of the fear and doubt of the majority they spent 40 years circling in the dessert.
It was because the people were not willing to fight for their freedom that they died in the middle of their deliverance without ever experiencing victory. Only two of the original children who came out of Egypt entered the Promise Land and they did so with the next generation to lead and train.
There is a powerful lesson for believers today in this story. We too were delivered from oppression a couple hundred years ago by a handful of men who fought giants and won our freedom. Those men gave us an amazing gift of a republic to pass on to the generations to follow. Along with the republic they gave us inspired instructions and dire warnings on how to defend and preserve the liberty and freedom they fought and died for for the sake of the Kingdom of God.
I believe we have a duty to be stewards of this republic and to boldly confront the "kings" demanding the injustice end in this land and that we return to our roots. If we do not take a stand against the evils in our government we too will continue to wonder in the wilderness and only the remnant of those who speak out will survive the coming onslaught of Progressive oppression. We owe it to posterity and to those who have gone on before us to stand for righteousness in our government.
Hebrews 11:39 "All these people earned a good reputation because of their faith, yet none of them received all that God had promised. 40 For God had something better in mind for us, so that they would not reach perfection without us."

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