Wednesday, October 16, 2013

                         Presidential Pressure


  It is no secret that President Obama is doing all he can to make the government “shut down” as painful and dramatic as possible. He used extreme propaganda to make the ‘sequester’ sound frightening and he is doing the same thing with the ‘shutdown’.

   When the gloom and doom prophecy failed to manifest after sequester was enacted the press went into overdrive to help cover the Presidents back. Almost nothing the President and his Progressive propaganda machine predicted about sequestration came to pass but that has not and will not stop their agenda.

  “Barry-cading” Washington DC monuments was nothing less than an outright poke in the eye of the American people designed to cause civil unrest.   The Presidents orders to shut down national monuments is part of a thus far unsuccessful strategy to start violent civil unrest which would give him the reason needed to step in and declare a ‘state of emergency’ thereby giving him unprecedented authority to stop those individuals and groups who oppose him and his Progressive agenda.

  I believe he was hoping that when the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ movement was happening the violence would start, but that didn’t work out for him. When Occupy failed to produce the desired results he began looking for another event to start violence.

   When the budget battle came into the spotlight he saw the opportunity to feed the anger and distrust of the public sector, hence “his” proposal of sequestration. Progressives in both parties signed on to the President’s plan knowing full well they would never make the decision to cut spending but once again there was calm in the streets but anger toward government increased.  

  When ‘2,000,000’ bikers rode into DC in protest there was again calm, this was a poke in the Presidents chest. Then truckers came together to shut down the city with the same results. Then the truckers decided to end their protest and throw their support behind the veterans that we outraged at the shutting and blockading of war memorials. Once again no violence took place beyond the truckers, Veterans and some returning bikers taking down the barriers around the DC memorials and carrying many of them to the White House and dumping them on the lawn and sidewalks.

  So what will it take to arouse the public to rise up in the streets and become violent? History shows that people will allow an overwhelming amount of tyrannical activities against them and still remain obedient to authority. Time and again history shows that the thing that will cause riots and violence in the streets is hunger and cold.

  Many people are unaware of the “War on Coal” or the anti-domestic energy policies of this President because the press refuses to report the truth. When the coal plants are shut down and electricity prices “Necessarily Skyrocket” people will be unable to afford to continue the lifestyle now enjoyed by most Americans. The result of high energy costs will be felt by everyone and many will be forced to choose between being cold and fed or to be warm and hungry.

  Energy prices will continue to rise but not fast enough to achieve the Progressive agenda before the looming scandals return to the spotlight and threaten the President’s ability to continue feeding public anger toward conservatives. So what is the next move that will further the progressive agenda? Hunger!

  The loss of Food Stamp card processing over the weekend led to wide spread panic which I believe was a “Dry Run” to see the reaction of the public to the possibility of not having access to food. Over the last 5 years progressives have been successful in more than doubling the number of Food Stamp recipients to an unprecedented 50,000,000 people.

   On October 11th, the same date that truckers proclaimed they would shut Washington down, Audrey Rowe, Food and Nutrition Administrator for “SNAP” issued a memo to all states that participate in the Food Stamp program recommending they withhold benefits beginning in November.

  Now why would the Federal government recommend withholding food from the very people they have spent billions to get signed up in the program? For the last five years we have seen the Democrats/Progressives go to extremes to get people extended unemployment benefits and all the social welfare they can including near total dependence on Food Stamps. Nancy Pelosi and her progressive partners in both houses of Congress proclaim that unemployment is good for the economy and Food Stamps are pretty much a ‘civil right’.

  I contend that the reason for the SNAP withholding benefits is to create a violent uprising. When those who depend on welfare benefits take to the streets looking for blood the Progressives will blame Republicans who will then place the blame on the Tea Party extremists. As I have said many times before the enemy of Progressivism is liberty and those trying to restore it to America i.e. the Ted Cruz’s and Mike Lee’s in the Senate and Congress.

  We cannot lose sight of the war during the battles. While we are taking on the small fights to stop this bill or battling to keep that right Progressives are waging an all-out war for complete control. Their next move will be the “A-Bomb” that will secure their hold on the population and I believe it can only be detonated by “We The People” falling for their trap of becoming violent.

  We are going to see violence in the streets very soon but we must resist being involved unless we ourselves are being threatened. Americans have always pulled together whenever we have been attacked by an enemy and we must continue to pull together and fight the enemy from within. We will have neighbors and friends who are going to need us and we them to make it through each day until we can restore our government to one “Of By And For The People”.

  It is imperative that we not allow this President to further divide us and to instead unite against his evil ideology. He is a cold and cruel man as evidenced by his actions against WWll veterans and the families of those killed since the so-called shut down of government. His telling grieving families that they will not receive death benefits because Republican extremists will not meet his requirements shows that he cares only about his agenda and that he could care less about the people he is supposed to be serving.  

  SAVING AMERICA will depend on how we deal with the situation we are going to find ourselves in soon. We must remember that our enemy is the Presidents ideology not our fellow citizens. Many of our neighbors and friends will continue to blindly follow those who have given them false hope and empty promises but we have to restrain ourselves from demonizing them. They will soon find out that they are only useful idiots to Progressives and they will turn on those who enslaved them.

  It is my prayer that those who have been deceived will awaken and become Americans again and their turning on their oppressors will be done in the ballot box but the reality of human nature could well be manifest in wide spread bloodshed in the streets. I sincerely hope that I am wrong and that we will once again be the “United States” without bloodshed but if left unchecked Progressives are more than willing to encourage violence to achieve their goal of elitist control.

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