Saturday, October 19, 2013

Is the word of God absolute truth or it is fallacy? Even to many who are in the Church and proclaim Jesus as savior this question is not settled in their minds but it must become permanently settled and soon. We are entering times when the only hope we will have to make it through the day will be His promises that are "Yes and so be it!"
The scripture reminds me that no matter how big or how sm...
all my problem or desire is God cares about it and desires to help me if I will only ask. I believe He even desires to bless those who have not yet accepted Him by getting in their lives and "working out" some of the 'details' that seem too difficult ( read Hebrews, angels are ministering spirits to those who "WILL" inherit salvation. It says "will", which means have not yet). He does that so that one day when they look back they will see that it had to have been Him and it will draw them to Him or deepen their faith if they have since received Him.
I look back in my life to the many times I thought it was hopeless and there was no way out and suddenly doors opened and a way was made that was impossible and I can see clearly it was God who directed my path. Even though I screwed up and crashed a few times He remained faithful and picked me back out of the ditch and restored me in His Sight.
He has taught me to look to Him for everything I need and desire and then just wait on Him for the answer. He also has proved to me that His promises must be known by me or they are no good to me! He will give milk to His children but as we mature we must take solid food. If we do not know what promises are in the word we cannot take hold of them or put our faith in Him to fulfill them. Sometimes we have to fight through things and sometimes He does the fighting for us. I have gone through many battles that took everything I had to get through and other times it was a 'cake walk', but in each case I had to know what His promise was for me.
Here is the difficult part for many today, The issue has to be settled as to whether His word is "Completely" true and trustworthy or not. It has to be all or none there is no in between for believers. The second difficult thing is that in order to know His promises you actually have to read the Bible and to know what it says.
Another 3 am ramble....

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