Thursday, October 10, 2013

Well here we go again folks. The game playing and propaganda pumping has started. The deals are being made to increase the debt limit and as usual we will be told it has to be done to save the economy. Only in Washington can spending more money that you don’t have and cannot repay be good for the economy.

 This is all a ruse, a scorched earth scenario being reported to scare the people. The economy could be fixed in about one year ‘IF’ we would produce our own energy and stop giving nations who hate us billions of dollars every day, but even that discussion is a distraction from the truth about what is happening in America.

 What is really happening is treasonous. Our government is stealing the future of our children by spending our money to fund their special interest group’s projects while padding their own bank accounts.

 The press continues to be complicit in distracting the public from the corruption in government. Ask yourself why are the Republicans not relentlessly pursuing the IRS scandal? Simple, the IRS is shutting down those who are seeking a Constitutional government. A Constitutional government would put 99.999% of those in office out on the street or in prison.

 Why are they not pursuing actions to stop the president from arming our enemy Al Qaeda, a very clear case for impeachment and trial for treason? The answer to that question is simple too; because they are as guilty as he is. If they expose him he exposes them and they lose their jobs.

 The federal government and MOST state governments are not about securing the republic and ensuring the general welfare of its citizens, it is ALL about control. We are being set up to go down and those we have elected are cowards. With VERY FEW exceptions, they will sell the republic out to our enemies if they think they will make out good on the deal. We must stop them before they completely ruin this nation. When the average citizen finally awakens and understands that they have been used as pawns in the Progressive (Republican and Democrat) agenda to gain complete control there will be hell to pay.

 The tiny nation of Iceland dealt with a similar situation and now they are well on their way to recovery. How did they deal with their corrupt government and ‘fat-cat bankers’? They fired nearly all of them and tried and imprisoned them for a very long time. I wonder why the American media did not cover this story.

It would be good for the American people to learn what that tiny nation did and follow suit. It would also be good for our politicians to understand what happens when the American Spirit rises up against tyranny.

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