Wednesday, October 23, 2013

We are really in a lot of trouble as the world continues to churn!
“.... you will hear of wars and threats of wars, but don’t panic. Yes, these things must take place, but the end won’t follow immediately. Nation will go to war against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in many parts of the world. But all this is o...
nly the first of the birth pains, with more to come. Then you will be arrested, persecuted, and killed. You will be hated all over the world because you are my followers. And many will turn away from me and betray and hate each other. And many false prophets will appear and will deceive many people. Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come...."
This is like reading the headlines from around the world! Many here in America have no sense of the reality of where we are in history because all the 'Bad' stuff is happening somewhere else in the world and they only hear of it in passing if they happen to be listening to the news, but few will pay attention or even try to find "Real News" because it is uncomfortable to see all the death, hate and corruption (unless of course it is on a video game or a network program or movie then its fine).
The truth is most believers have their hope firmly fixed on being raptured before the beheadings begin or the famines spread and the plagues are killing people around the world. If those who are being willfully blind would open their eyes they would see that all these signs Jesus warned of are happening now and very soon we here in the West will be experiencing what is happening around the world.
Though I do believe strongly in a rapture I do not put my faith in it taking place before the 'tribulation' begins. I put my faith in Jesus being more than able to get me through what ever lies ahead not in Him getting me out before it gets bad. "I would not have you ignorant" should be enough to awaken believers to what our brothers around the world are suffering, mostly from Muslims.
Some studies show there have been more Christians murdered in the last 5 years than in all other periods of history (try telling those family members who witnessed their loved ones butchered that the rapture will save the church) but few if any in the Church are aware of the atrocities happening.
The word clearly says that those who "Endure" will receive their reward. Ask yourself as I have been of late "Endure what Lord?" Refuse to be ignorant and irrelevant in the raging assault that is happening to our brothers around the world. Sacrifice something to support those who are actually doing something tangible. Increase your giving to your Church (if they are involved with missions) seek God and see what He would have you do or who He would have you support. The hour is late and the harvest is truly ripe!
The following is a recurring dream and what I believe is a prophetic wakeup call;
“The setting is in the heartland of the nation where grain is grown by the thousands of square miles. Darkness has set in, the darkness caused by heavy cloud cover. The sky is black as far as the eye can see and the air is becoming cool to almo
st cold. The clouds are monstrous and billowing on the horizon and a storm is imminent.
I see the Lord standing in the midst of endless miles of ripened oats. He is standing silent looking toward the storm clouds on the horizon. I begin walking to Him and as I get close to the field I can see that the oats are so ripe for harvest that many kernels have already fallen to the ground and are lost and are going to be consumed by the foul of the air and the creatures of the plains.
As I continue towards the Lord and I am able to see more clearly the amount of grain that has been lost I begin to become overwhelmed with the urgency of getting the combines started up and beginning the harvest before it is too late and much more of His grain is lost but I could not see any of the machines anywhere. My concern grows to near panic as I realize that the combines are so late in starting the harvest process that just the vibration of the giant machines is going to cause much more grain to fall from the hulls to the ground and be lost.
I hurried to the Lords side and I could see He was heartbroken at the amount of loss that had occurred. As I looked at Him I could see there were tears in His eyes and He had a look of sorrow and disappointment on His face. He looked at me and I said Lord why have you not summoned the harvesters, the oats are becoming over-ripe, we have to do something fast. He looked at me and said “I did call on them to begin”. I asked Him, then where are they, they should be here? As I asked Him that question He slowly turned His head back toward the field and the mounting storm and said with a broken voice, “I paid them in advance for their labor and they have left to spend their wages.”
I just stood there helpless without a combine there would be little more than a remnant that could be saved. All I could do was to begin picking what I could and looking at the ground to try to retrieve as much that had fallen as possible.”
I believe we must begin crying out to the Father to send faithful harvesters and that we need to personally repent for our leaving the fields to enjoy our reward before our work was over or in many instances before we had even started the job.

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